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Hoseok pov.

My mom was crying again. Her crying was full of pain. She's begun to drink since my dad's left her for a younger woman. His affair lasted for six months and he made her pregnant. Now they have got twins - two adorable girls. Our father had completely forget that we're also his kids and stopped responding to my sister's calls, messages or even letters. It broke her heart. And my mom? One glass or two glasses turned into a bottle or two. From that moment, all the responsibility's been on my shoulders. I went shopping, I cooked, I did houseworks and I even had to skip my college 'cause I had to take care of my little sister. It was all on me but I couldn't blame her. 

Who could blame a broken person for being broken?  

I put my phone on the table and went downstairs and saw her lying on the floor with an empty broken bottle of wine.

„You have to get up and be careful, okay? There are shards all over the floor." I said and she nodded. She raised her hands and I picked her up in my arms easily since she's skinny and light as a feather.

„I'm sorry, Hoseok. I'm such a bad person." She sobbed into my chest when I carried her into the bedroom. I covered her with a blanket and she couldn't take off her gaze off me.

„What's wrong, mum?" I asked, confused.

„You look just like him, baby. When will you completely disappear?" she asked me in return but before I could answer, she closed her eyes and fell asleep. I picked up empty bottles and dirty clothes from the floor and closed the doors.

I cleaned the rest of the house and finished around eight. I made myself a cup of tea and sat down in living room. My little sister inaudibly came to me and hugged me. She's still young but she understood everything around her.

„Hey. What's wrong, Bunny?" I smiled at her.

„I don't want to be here, Hobi. Mum's scaring me." she mumbled.

„It's okay, you don't have to be scared. I'm here." I answered as she climbed on my laps.

„I love you, Hobi. You're the best brother ever." she whispered.

„I love you too, Bunny." 

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