Twenty four.

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Hoseok pov.

"Are you tired, baby?" Yoongi asked me when I yawned and rubbed my eyes, "we can go if you are, it's okay." 

"Just a bit. But I'd rather go if you wouldn't mind." I muttered and he smiled. 

Yoongi intertwined his fingers with me and throught the whole dance floor, we went to say goodbye to Sora and Dohyun. Sora was currently talking to one of her friend but when she saw us, she immediately stopped talking and hugged me. 

"Hoseok, thank you so much for coming. It means a lot for me." she mumbled and I gave her a smile.

"I wouldn't miss it, Sora. Thank you for having us here as well." I whispered it into her ear and she patted my back. 

"Hope you won't drive all the way back. It's icy road so please be careful." Dohyun said, grabbing Sora around her waist. 

"We're going to find a motel and stay there. After breakfast, we will go back home." Yoongi explained.

"Motel? No way! You could stay in our hut. My friend and her husband were supposed to sleep there but they couldn't stay. Don't worry, we brought there some food. Also, you have to make a fire there. It's not far away from here, maybe ten minutes?" she looked at Dohyun and he nodded, "the key is under the doormat." 


"It's really cold here." I muttered as I rubbed my arms due to coldness.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. You can go and just sniff around." he pecked my lips and left me alone in their small living room.

It was modestly but I didn't mind at all. Small kitchen and living room, an open space between them, and a pine staircase leaded up to the bedrooms. All tiling were made of pine wood. You could easily tell that Sora and her husband have equipped this hut by themself. Their style was really simple. Dohyun is an architect and designer so he knows what he's doing and in what he's good. Dohyun gave me his number and offered me he will help with anything what I will need. He was really nice to me, and to Yoongi as well. I was really glad that Sora is happy now. After all, she definitely deserved it.

I walked upstair to see how's  look like there and I was suprised. One bedroom with red and white walls, bed covered with roses and many candles were around. I blushed even though I knew it was meant for her friend and husband. 

"Babe, I've got all set up. We can stay downstairs at fireplace." Yoongi yelled from the living room. 

Yoongi already taken of his jacket, unbuttoned two buttons of his white shirt and rolled up his sleeves. He sat on the floor to the fireplace, leaning his back on the couch. I sat down beside him and he put his hand on my thigh. Of course, my cheeks turned even more red.

"It looks so peaceful. Just me and you at this beautiful place." Yoongi whispered and brought me back to reality.

"Yes. Yes it does." I nodded. 

He leaned toward me, the gap closed between us as Yoongi's lips gently brushed against mine. Crackling wood in the fireplace and the smell of pine gave this the atmosphere. I cupped his cheeks and soon as I realised, my back was pressed against the carpet. 

Yoongi's lips traveled across my lower jaw and stopped at my neck where he gently gently sucked it and made a visible mark. I queitly whined his name and Yoongi looked into my eyes. 

"I don't want to hurt you, baby. Please tell me to stop if you won't feel it right." Yoongi mumbled and I wrapped my arms around Yoongi's neck, pulling him even closer to me. 

"Just don't hurt me, please." I answered, still looking into his eyes full of lust and passion. 

"I will be gentle, baby." he smiled, "we will go slow."

And he was. I haven't felt like this before. I felt...  I felt loved, special, wanted, needed. Yoongi was almost afraid to do something, scared that I was made of glass. Yoongi took of my jacket and slowly unbuttoned buttons on my shirt, loose mine and his ties as well. His eyes and hands were travelling all over my body. His fingertips mapped every inch of my body.

"You are so beautiful, baby." Yoongi whispered into my ear, then pressing lips against my collarbone. He bit me, leaving there a mark as well. 

He helped me to took of my shirt as well, uncovering my scars. I closed his eyes but a one single tear streamed down my face. I felt his thumb quickly catching my falling tear on a cheek. 

"Baby, please look at me." Yoongi whispered, begging me to open my eyes. 

"I just... Yoongi, I'm not. I'm not beautiful. Look at all these scars covering my whole body. They don't disappear, they will stay forever like an disaster memory of the night. I can cover them but they still will be there, reminding me I'm-" I stammered, more tears were running down my face. 

"For me, you are beautiful. The most beautiful person I've ever met, Hoseok. Unfortunately, I can't delete those awful memories but together we can make new memories, the even better ones." Yoongi whispered against mine lips, "please don't give up on us." 


My fingers were tangled in Yoongi's hair. We both got rid off our clothes. Yoongi's fingers were buried into mine hips. His pink lips were wrapped around my cock, his head was bobbing up and down and I was such a mess. I moaned his name, almost screamed in pleasure which I was receiving from him. Yoongi was whispering how much he loves me everytime he touched me. He wouldn't let me do anything because as he said, "Today is about you, babyboy."

I was whining and writhing beneath him. My body was literally on fire. My legs were wrapped around his waist, my fingers raked his back, making him groan deep in the back of his throat. He was kissing me, using his perfect tongue to made me more concentrated on the kiss and not the fact he was slowly thrusting into me. 

"Fuck. You're so hot, baby." he whispered into my ear, moving his lips on my neck again.

I won't lie to you, it hurt. After all the time, it felt like for the first time. He was slow and gentle, always waiting for my reaction. He carefully studied my facial expressions. I wanted more, I needed more. I was begging him to go faster and but he wasn't sure, whispering he doesn't want to hurt me. 

Being exposed to Yoongi was strange even if we were already dating. I was addicted - on his hands, his smile, his stupid giggle, and his fucking perfect tongue always doing the best job ever. 

I pushed him on his back, making him lying on the carpet while I was slowly riding him. He moaned my name, roughtly grabbing my hips and helping me with thrusting even more deeper. He threw his head back, crying out my name. 

"So good for me, aren't you, baby?" he got up on his elbows, whispering against my neck, making me groan even more louder.

"Yoongi.. I don't think I.." I whined as I cum on his abdomen. I didn't stop. I wanted him to cum, I wanted him to receive the same pleasure as I did. 

"Oh my. Hoseok. Fuck." he groaned, finally cumming inside me. 

I tried to get up but my legs betrayed me - I fell down next to him and he was giggling. We were breathing heavily, our chests were getting up and down very fast but he was still giggling the fact it's all because of him. He took the first thing he found - his shirt - wiping my sperm from his abdomen. 

"I'm sorry." I poined on his abdomen.

"Don't be, it's just a little thing. Besides, the fact you were riding me was the hottest thing I've ever seen." 

"Fuck you." I slightly pushed his arm but he quickly caught my biceps, pulling me closer to him to give me a kiss. 

"We already fucked, baby. I'm not sure if you are ready for round two." he smirked, covering both of us with a blanket.

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