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hobihyung_ posted:

„Sometimes you feel sad without any reason. And you can't help it. And you can't deal with it."

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8:15 AM | Agust-D: good morning, sunshine. :)

8:21 AM | hobihyung_: sunshine? very funny. my morning starts pretty early so you should text me around six or seven am. but back to you, did you have fun yesterday? i saw some photos from that club. to be honest, it's all over my page and it's quite annoying.

8:23 AM | Agust-D: i'm pleased that you find my face annoying. but yeah, it was pretty crazy.

8:24 AM | Agust-D: like really? but why? are you going to school or to work?

8:27 AM | hobihyung_: i've got insomnia and yes, i do work. in a small flower shop actually. even if i don't trust people and i hate them the most of my time, i love working there. the owner is an old lady, she's really kind and lovely. she calls me my dear husband because i remind her of him when he was young.

8:30 AM | Agust-D: really? that's adorable and sad at the same time? namjoon loves flowers, we've got them all around the house. maybe you should give me some tips because my cactus's dying. well, maybe it's already dead. i don't know. :D

8:34 AM | hobihyung_: oh my. you should care about your plants more, yoongi! they need some light, fertilizer and water, obviously. and you should talk to them, eunji (my dear wife) says it helps.

8:35 AM | hobihyung_: i've got a day off and i don't know what should i do first, ugh. by the way, don't you have what to do? seems like you're always here.

8:41 AM | Agust-D: i do have what to do. for example, i have to clean this whole mess because namjoon wanted to do pancakes and out kitchen looks like after an dynamite accident. :D

8:42 AM | Agust-D: look! *attached picture*

8:45 AM | hobihyung_: wow, that boy is a pure talent. :D

8:48 AM | Agust-D: i wanna know how do you look when you smile. you must me gorgeous.

8:51 AM | hobihyung_: stop flirting with me, min yoongi.

8:53 AM | Agust-D: why can't i? ;)

8:59 AM | hobihyung_: because i'm not worth it.

*hobihyung_ has logged off*

9:00 AM | Agust-D: you are more than that, hobi. *unsend message*

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