Twenty three.

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Yoongi pov. 

btw. this it the longest chapter i've ever written, see how much i love you guys? plus, play a song for a wedding atmosphere xoxo

All the way to him, I thought about him. I'm going to see him in a few hours again! It's been almost two months and I've missed even more and more. His smile. The most beautiful thing in the world, yet he won't let people to see it. He's hiding his emotions very well, so if you don't know him, you will think he's just another boy who thinks he's depressed. No one's come to him, hugged him and told him it's okay not to be okay. 

He deserves the world. He really does. Man, you don't even know how much I'm in love with him. 

He came to pick me up on a train station, I got text he will be waiting outside for me and he truly did. He was sitting on the hood of car, dressed into a warm brown jacket with black fur, white t-shirt, blue jeans and brown lace-up shoes. He typed something fast on his phone and then quickly hide him into his jeans pocket. Finally, he lifted his gaze to me and smiled. He looked beautiful. Absolutely stunning. His brown hair were messy and this look suits him well. I came closer to him, dropped the bag on the ground and quickly kissed him. He wrapped his legs around my waist and giggled into our kiss.

"I missed you." he whispered and pulled himself away from me to catch a breath.

"You can't even imagine how much I missed you, pretty boy." I chuckled, "are you waiting here for a long time? Train had fifteen minutes delay."

"Yeah I know. But it's okay." he smiled, "you are finally here and that all matters to me right now." 


"YOONGI, YOU ARE BACK!" I heard Bunny's voice screaming from kitchen and she quickly ran to me and hugged me. 

"Hello there, you've grown up since I've been gone." I muttered and she agreed. 

"I'm four centimetres taller." she said proudly.

"Wait, I've got something for you." I let her go of my arms, so I could unzip the bag in which I had a wrapped present for her. She carefully took the box from me and bowed. 

"Thank you so much, Yoongi." she repeated over and over and I smiled.

"But you have to save it, don't open it yet. Leave it for Christmas, will you?" I pinched her cheek and she immediately turned red.

"O-Okay." she muttered and ran upstairs.

"And what you've got for me, baby?" he asked me, leaning against a wall. 

"You'll see." I answered, quickly kissing his lips. 


"As much as I love you two here, you have to go or you will be late." Bunny said with a smile. 

"I called Eunji and she'll be here in ten minutes to babysit you. Behave well, will you?" Hoseok said, squatted down beside her and kissed her cheek.

"You two also behave well." he cheekily said and Hoseok laughed.

"Aren't you cheeky, Bunny?" he whispered and she hugged him.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I've got everything so I won't be hungry or bored. I finished my homeworks as well. We'll take Toki out with Eunji later." she informed him and I bit my lower lip.

"Call me if you'll need anything, okay?" he said and she hit his shoulder.

"Go now!" she laughed and Hoseok got up, intertwined his fingers with mine. 

"See you tomorrow, Bunny. Bye bye." I waved her.

"I love you, princess. Bye." he said and she blew him a kiss.

"I love you too, big brother. Bye bye and have fun!" she said.  


"Hello, you must be Jung Hoseok. Sora had told me about you. I'm Dohyun. It's nice to finally meet you." he greeted him and shook a hand with him.

"Same goes for you, Dohyun. This is Min Yoongi, my boyfriend." he smiled and introduced us as well.

"I've heard about you. What a pleasure to have a rapper on our wedding." he chuckled and I wrapped my arms around his waist, "Hoseok, Sora wants you to sit closer to the aisle, if it's okay with you." he said. 

"Of course, it's her day after all." he nodded with a smile and we went to sit. 


"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Kim." her dad proudly said and both of them went on a dance floor. It was really emotional and Hoseok couldn't hold his tears back. I wiped his tears away and he smiled. After their dance, everyone began to clap. 

Hoseok grabbed my hand and together we walked on a dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his around my neck. I leaned closer to him so our foreheads touched. His fingers slowly pulled into my hair and I groaned. I felt his cologne. His breathing was slow, quiet. Only I was going absolutely crazy. I felt like my heart wanted to escape from my chest because of him. 

I pressed my lips against his, our lips were slowly moving and his hand found my cheek and cupped it. 

"Please don't let me go, Yoongi." he muttered.

"Only fool would let you go, Hoseok." 

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