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Hoseok pov.

I was making a big bouquet of blue roses bespoke. Eunji told me it's really important and I didn't ask for more details about it. A hundred blue roses, can you even imagine it? It was really complicated and also very expensive. Not to mentions my hands looked terrible because of the thorns. Mozart was playing in the background and when I finally finished, I carefully wrapped it with a wrapping paper and called Eunji it's done. She quickly came and took my bouquet from me to the background.

I sipped from a paper cup with coffee and rubbed my temples. These past days I've been really tired. Yoongi spent most of his time in studio, finishing his new mixtape. My mom signed the treatment for alcoholics and currently, I didn't have to worry about her. I knew she'll be okay there. She's a fighter and if she wants to, she can do it. Her motivation is Bunny now, not me. She knows she can't fix my childhood, all my memories and give me back my time but she still have a chance with her because she's younger.  

"Come here, Hoseok. You look horrible today." Eunji ordered me and I went to her to sit on a couch. 

"I know and I'm really sorry, I can't sleep these past days." I smiled wearily. 

"My dear, you look really pale. Paler than usual. Are you okay? Should I give you some aspirin or a blanket? Do you want to rest?" she whispered, worriedly and put her hand on my forehead. 

Eunji is one of the loveliest people I've ever met. Her previously raven hair were gray now and around her dark brown eyes were wrinkles but she still looked beautiful. She meant really much to me and to Bunny. She gave me the strenght and support I haven't got in that time and also the courage and she pushed me to do a new things. She learned me all the work with flowers, listening to Mozart and many other composers. And she cares about me. She really cares. She doesn't fake an interest when she askes me and then pretendes she cares, but she truly listens to me. 

"Don't worry. I'm fine." I answered her and she slightly brushed my hair.

"Have you told your boyfriend about the wedding yet?" she asked me, sipping from a cup of her tea. 

"No. I mean, not yet. There are many things going on right now." I answered her and she smiled.

"You mean the thing about your mother? I think it's wonderful she's realised she badly needs help but you, you sacrificed too much and now it's your turn to be happy." she said.

"It's in two weeks and I know he's really busy at the moment with his new album, so I don't think that's a great idea." I mumbled.

"Come on! You're both young, you can't waste your youth being always busy with some work. You need to live and get out of the bubble. Meet new people. Try new things. Visit new places. Dye your hair on a different colour. Get a tattoo or piercing. I don't know what young people do nowadays but you badly need to do something. When me and my husband were young, he took me out all the time. We went dancing, skating, even to the cinema. But the time before was different. I can't compare time before and now." she smiled.

"Okay, okay. You convinced me. I'll give him a call after work." I said with a laugh.

"I can't wait to meet him, Hoseok. He must be really special for you." she mumbled.

"Yes, he is." I nodded, shyly.

"Don't be shy about it, Hoseok. I'm really proud of you, and my husband would be too." she said.

"Thank you." I whispered. 

"I wish I could talk to you more but someone's coming." she pointed ouf of the window happily and went back to the cash desk.

"Hello. What would you like, young man?" she asked him with a smile.

"A small bouquet of yellow roses, please." he simply answered. 

And I froze. 

My knees began to tremble and I couldn't breath. 

It was him - his voice, his cologne, his stupid giggle, his presence here at all made me want to throw up. Everything has came back, all the memories, all those things. EVERYTHING. I don't remember much, only Eunji's voice. And then, I fainted. 

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