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Hoseok pov.

I prepared a breakfast for us and also for my mother. I brought a tray of food into her bedroom, where she lay contentedly on her side. I carefully put it on the table, picked up few bottles and clothes and shut the door behind me. I heard a soft laugh from Bunny's room and I peeked inside. She sat there with Yoongi, she showed him some of her paintings and photos. 

"This is me and Hoseok. It's still my favourite photo of us." she said to him and handed him photos in a purple frame. I like this photo too. In that time, I was nineteen. I just finished high school and my five years old sister along with my mom came to support me. I begged her to stay sober and she obeyed me, for the first time. I begged her to stay sober and she obeyed me - for the first time

But after ceremony, she left and let me and my little sister alone. I took her to an amusement park for a car ride because she loved it. We enjoyed this day and I asked a passer-by women if she could take a picture of us. This moment will stay in my mind forever. I knocked on her door and told them that breakfast is ready.

I took a cup of tea and left to living room so they could be alone in kitchen. Yoongi noticed I'm acting different but he hasn't said anything. Actually, we haven't talked since yesterday night, after I found out he read my diary. Unthinking, I watched some music program until Yoongi sat next to me. He rested his hand on my thigh and waited for my next move, but I just sat there. 

"I'm leaving tonight, Hoseok. Namjoon called me that my co-workers need me. I haven't been there for almost a week, so-" 

"You want me to drop you off the train station. I got it." I whispered and he shook his head. 

"Well, yes but I want to do something else." he smiled, I looked at him and he continued, "I want to take you out on a date, Hoseok." 

My jaw dropped. 

"And of course, we would go with Bunny. I don't want her leave her alone here." he said. Like everyone, he's afraid of my mother. I'm not surprised. 

"No, I mean- Yeah, we could go somewhere," I mumbled and his smile grew bigger. 

"Then let's go, or do you think I want to spend all day here?" 


Bunny wore her long white dresses with a denim jacket and white sneakers. Yoongi has got a red-and-black plaid shirt, black jeans and black sneakers. And my style was to pick the first thing I had in my closet, so I ended up with a green jacket with leather sleeves, white tshirt and blue jeans. Yoongi also took his camera and wanted to take many photos as possible. We went to park, to the river, to an abandoned railroad. He took a picture of one of the most amazing photos, where I was. For the first time, I admitted I look good. 

After that, we went to a park. I sat in grass and Bunny with Yoongi played a catch-up. When she caught her, they both fell on ground and laughed. And then I realized, I couldn't be happier. I wished that this day lasted forever. Unfortunately, we can't have everything. 


I drop him off the train station and Bunny stayed at a flower shop with Eunji. He doesn't look happy about the fact he has to go home. He bit his lip more often than usual and ran his hand through his hair. I walked with him to the train and he gently grabbed my hip and with other hand, he rubbed his thumb across my face. I held my tears back and so he did. It was very emotional. 

"Promise me you'll be careful." he whispered and I just nodded. 

"Train 347AXB01 to Daegu is on the third rail. We ask passengers to immediately boarded. Train leaves in five minutes." said a woman's voice from the speaker. 

"Okay. I guess you have to go, Yoongi." I mumbled and pulled away from him. 

"Goodbye, Hoseok." he said with a smile and hugged me. I returned the hug and he boarded the train. He sat on my side and we looked at each other. I waved him and turned my back to him. I slowly walked from the thirt platform but I stood up, as I heard my name. We ran to each other until I stopped in front of him. He roughly grabbed my hips and smashed his lips on mine. I intertwined my fingers through his hair and pulled him closer. We stood there for a couple seconds and then, he pulled away from me. 

"God, how I wish I could stay here a little longer and-" he said almost out of breath.

"You have to go now, I don't want you to get in trouble because of me." I pushed him with a laugh and he smiled. 

"I have to ask you on something before I'll leave." he said.

"Okay, go on," I answered quickly.

"Will you be mine, Jung Hoseok?"


"I already am, Min Yoongi." 

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