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Yoongi pov.

I packed my stuffs for a few days to a large black bags. I had no idea for how long I'm gonna stay there but if I'd stay longer, I've got some money to buy what I need. I pulled loose black t-shirt over my head and stood just in grey sweatpants. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't see someone who's beautiful. I haven't got abs or other muscles. I'm just a skinny boy with pink hair, gummy smile and the only good thing of me is that i can get people easily turned by my tongue technology. (a/n: lol sorry, i had to.) 

"Namjoon, can you please come here?" I called for my roomate. I heard his footsteps headed to my room and when my face found his, he was blushing as hell. Aish, this guy. 

"I'm not naked yeez. You don't have to blush, Namjoonie." I chuckled. 

"Shut up. What d-do you want?" he stammered.

"I want you to help me pick up my outfit." I said. He looked around my room and saw my bag on bed. 

"Where are you going?" he asked me, nervously.

"To my friend. He needs help because he's sick." I explained.

"You mean that hobihyung guy?" he smiled a bit and so did I.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Okay then,let's pick your outfit." he clapped enthusiastically and moved to my wardrobe.


I put on my headphones and played some music. I wanted to relax a bit since it's gonna be a long way. I actually wanted to take a nap but I just couldn't. I had to think about it. It's been couple months since we've started talking and now I'm going to see him for the first time. I was nervous. I intertwined my fingers and leaned my head against the window and watched the train journey. Trees, people on a train stop, rails and beautiful sun with clouds. 


I had his address on my phone so I walked by the neighbourhood. It looked like a nice neighbourhood - people were outside with kids and dogs and they had a lot of laugh. I smiled when a little girl ran around me with her friend chasing her. I focused on an address and I almost bumped into a girl. Her dark brown hair were in two braids and she held a big black dog on a leash. 

"Hello, is this Jung Hoseok's address?" I asked her and her smile grew even bigger.

"So you're the boy who's going to visit my brother. You're really cute by the way, come in." she said and unlocked the door. 

"Bunny, is that you?" Someone shouted. 

"Yes, Sherlock." she answered with a laugh and took off the dog collar with a leash. She waved at me to follow her so I did. Dog ran to the living room where someone was lying on the sofa. Dog jumped up on the sofa beside him and forcing the person, who was lying on it, to pick up.

"There's my boy. Did you have fun outside?" he said happily and scratched the dog behind his right ear.

"Hi, Hoseok." I said with a slight smile. 

"Yoongi." he looked up and whispered, surprised.

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