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hobihyung_ posted:

„Sick of crying, tired of trying.
Yes I'm smiling, but inside I'm dying."

89 Likes, 17 comments, 21 shares

*messages (3) from hobihyung_*

7:13 AM | hobihyung_: i'm sorry for yesterday, i had to leave.

7:17 AM | hobihyung_: i see you're quite popular, there's like 0,000001% change you'll answer me back.

7:19 AM | hobihyung_: anyways, thanks for what you said yesterday.

8:33 AM | Agust-D: you don't need to thank me. i've been checking your profile once in a while and now recently as well. you worry me, hobi. why are you like this? without motivation to live? without happiness? what happened?

8:48 AM | hobihyung_: something's happened and it's changed my opinion on people. i don't want to talk about it, it's too personal.

8:49 AM | Agust-D: oh, okay. i'm sorry for being curious.

8:52 AM | hobihyung_: actually, you're the first person who's asked me, the rest of them just pity me.

8:53 AM | hobihyung_: uh sorry, i have to go again. our fridge's completely empty.

8:55 AM | Agust-D: same here. namjoon's such a lazy ass so we buy take-away food. a lot.

8:57 AM | hobihyung_: who's namjoon? is he your boyfriend?

9:00 AM | Agust-D: no, he's my friend and also roommate. why are you asking?

9:02 AM | hobihyung_: like you, i was just curious. :) ttyl?

9:05 AM | Agust-D: if you want to then, okay. :)

9:18 AM | hobihyung_: you made my day a bit better. 

*hobihyung_ has logged off* 

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