Twenty two.

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Yoongi pov.

I was sitting on a couch, controller in hands, playing some stupid ass video games. I wanted to play it with Namjoon but he's been busy talking to his super sweet boyfriend Jin. I swear these two will make a diabetic from me. I'm not a big fan of aegyo but trust me if you would have seen Jin, you would have to believe me that he actually invited aegyo. I laughed quietly when Namjoon started to do aegyo for him, he wanted to get what he wanted. According to a laugh, I guess he succeeded.

"Yoongi-ah, Jin's coming tonight. As much as I love your lazy ass sitting on this couch, you have to get out." he informed me.

"I heard it. So, Netflix and chill?" I giggled and he hit my arm with a laugh.

"Yoongi, don't make a fun of me." he smiled.

"Okay, I'll stop. I'm gonna text Taehyung that I'll come over." I answered him.

"Thank you, hyung. It means a lot for me." he whispered and hugged me.

"Aw, hey. Slow down with the love, Joon. Leave it for your oppa." I chuckled, "besides, I know you'd do the same thing for me." 

"Speaking of that, how are things with you too?" he asked suddenly.

I bit my lower lip and smiled. I missed him so much, I really did. "We are good." I muttered after a few seconds of silence.

"Good? Really? You know I wanna know more about you two." he said and sat next to me on a couch.

"He asked me to go with him on his friend's wedding." I mumbled. 

"That's amazing, right? When are you going there?" he enthusiastically clapped with his hands.

"In four days. I have to find my suit, hope I will still fit in." I smirked.  

"Yoongi, no matter how much you eat, you won't gain weight."


"Another beer?" he asked me and I nodded.

We were sitting on a ground in his living room, back leaned against his couch and we played some video games. I was surprised he didn't have to go out tonight as a DJ but he promised me he'll make a time for me when Namjoon 'sweetly' kicked me out to have fun. He gave me a bottle of beer and I took a huge gulp of it. 

"Slow down, I've got plenty of them in the kitchen." he giggled and I placed the bottle next to me. 

"Namjoon told me you're going on a wedding with him. Congrats, bro." he continued and I smiled at him.

"Thanks." I nodded.

"I've got a pretty stupid question for you, Yoongi." he said and ruffled his messy red hair.

"Go on, tell me." I giggled. I knew I was drunk, not completely but I still felt my legs were lighter, my cheeks were red and my hair were messy as hell. 

"How do you know that you're in love?" he muttered and I looked at him.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked him again and laughed.

"Told you it's a stupid question." he laughed with me and drank a beer from his bottle.

"There are many kinds of love, Taehyung. You can love your parents, your family, your favourite celebrity, but when you're really in love with someone... Man, you feel crazy. Absolutely crazy. Your heart skipped a beat everytime you see him, and when he speaks to you, you have butterflies in your stomach. You're in heaven when he touches you, deliberately or by mistake. You bite your lips more often, you're nervous. Scared of every single move towards him. You would do anything to make him smile. Anything in the world. No matter if it's possible or not. It's like... It's just you and him, no one else. You're blind, so blind by the love and sometimes, you're pretty stupid as well. But you feel lucky. So lucky that he's yours. That all his kisses and smiles are for you. But love isn't always happy. You argue a lot over stupid things but in the end of the day, he is the only one who you wants to see. He must be not just your boyfriend, but also a friend. You have to feel save with him, you have to believe he can protect you from the world and that you would do the same for him. That's the love for me, man." 

"You are really in love with him, aren't you?" 

"Yes, Taehyung. Yes, I am." I whispered.

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