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Yoongi pov.

My roomate Namjoon likes to play his dumb music loudly, especially around 7:00 AM. I got used to it since I've been living with him for almost nine months and not only with him, also with his dog named Bruno. Bruno is Korean jindo dog and Namjoon got him on his seventeen's birthday. 

Also, there's an amazing story of how we met. He was looking for a flatmate at the same time like me and our friend Kim Taehyung introduced us. He offered me that I could stay with him and I obviously agreed. 

I'd describe myself as a turtle - I hide into my shell too often and I don't talk to people. He makes my company so I don't have to be alone, plus his dog loves me more than him.

"Shut it down, you ass! I'm trying to sleep." I shouted angrily, but he didn't hear me. Obviously. 

I had to get up from my warm and comfortable bed and go to his room. I haven't heard just a music, also smashing and dropping things on the floor. I opened the door without thinking and found him with his favourite photo of him and his ex-boyfriend Youngmin.

"C'mon, give it to me. You've destroyed enough." I said and turned off his music. I took the photo in a frame and put it back on his commode. He turned to face me and began to cry. I hugged him tightly as he continued sobbing into my shoulder.

"Why did he do that? Tell me why, hyung?" he repeated his question over and over again.

"You have to get through it, man. You know what can help you? Alcohol. Obviously, it can't fix the pain that's in your heart, but it will make you forget for a while. Let's go out tonight and have some fun, okay?" I suggested.

"I don't think it's a good idea, hyung." he said, pulling away from me.

"We can go out or we can stay here and drink. The choice is yours." I said.

"Ugh. Okay, then. Let's go out." he mumbled and I gave him a smile.

„I'll make some breakfast and you... You have to clean this whole mess."

„Okay." he smiled a bit.

„See? That's the smile I love." I kissed his forehead and went to the kitchen.

For the whole day, we stayed home. He had a month off from school and I was also free since I've been working as an independent artists with a few people behind my back, of course. We made some frozen pizza and watched some movies. I know it's been hard for him, but after a few comedies he has seemed a bit happier

We got ready and went around seven p.m to the club called That Club  because it wasn't far from our apartment. I've also got some friends there and we both know the most baddest DJ performing there - Kim Taehyung.

"Hey pussies, what are you doing here?" he greeted us with a big smile hanging on his face.

"I wanted to cheer him up because he's after breakup." I whispered to his ear and he simply nodded.

"Ah, shit. Sorry to hear that. Anyways, go and have fun. There are some cute boys. Don't forget to behave well." He pushed us to the bar and ordered us tequilla but suddenly, he had to leave us for his show. He hugged us and ran to the backstage. Namjoon drank up his tequilla and ordered another one.

I looked around the club and saw many people. They were apperently having fun. Girls in short dressed danced around boys and they had hands all over their bodies. Some girls were even checking me out but I just rolled my eyes and turned back to Namjoon but suddenly, he's gone. I sought for him but then I saw him at the end of the bar with some cute blonde guy. He seems nice. Namjoon doesn't deserve someone who will treat him like his ex did. I smiled and an empty chair at the bar took another blonde-haired guy. He ordered a beer and and he looked at me, almost hungrily.

"Are you alone here?" he asked when the bartender give him his order.

„Depends on who's asking." I answered and ruffled my blonde hair.

"Park Jimin." he introduced himself and drink from his bottle, then licked his plumb lips. I'm not gonna lie, he was hot. Like super hot. Probably the local fuckboy but at that moment, I didn't care about it.

"And your name, hottie?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"Min Yoongi." I answered with the same smirk.

"Top or Bottom?" he asked again and his smile grew even bigger.

"Definitely top." I smiled and he put down his beer.

"Good," he nooded, "guess that you'll experience the best night of your life, Min Yoongi." he said and grabbed my hand. 

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