Twenty seven. [3/3]

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Hoseok pov.

Me and Yoongi we walking through a park, holding hands and laughing. He hasn't changed at all. His blonde hair were messy, his gummy smile still makes me blush and he's still wearing the clothes from the day we both passed away - denim shirt, white tshirt and black skinny jeans with glasses. We're both still young, we never grew old. My hair are still black, I still wear these loose jeans, grey hoodie and denim jacket with glasses. But instead of having a promise ring on my finger, I've got a simple silver wedding ring.

I've been caught in stereotype - everytime I wake up, I was by my sister's side. I've always looked after her. I saw her first relationship, first broken heart, first success, when she got her first part-time job. She's grown up so much. She isn't the cute little girl anymore. She's independent, confident, intelligent, talented and her kind words make people smile. She's beautiful and by beauty I don't mean only pretty face or body, I mean her heart and her personality. You can't imagine how proud I am of her. 

"Look how beautiful she looks, Yoongi." I whispered when I saw her standing in those old pink dresses. A pink flower crown was placed on her head and it made her look like a princess.

"She's grown up but I still remember her as a small kid." he said and sat down next to me.

"It's hard to see her as an adult. For me, she's still my small Bunny." I said and he grabbed my hand. 

"You've done an amazing job and your mother's continued with it. You two raised her well." he answered me and I rested my head on his shoulder. 

I noticed a boy around her age, dressed up in a smoking with the old pink colour of tie. He smiled at my sister and when she noticed him, she quickly ran to him and hugged him. She looked so happy about his presence and that made me even happier.

"Wow, Dawon. You look beautiful." he told her and her cheeks immediately turned red.

"Your tie is...You've got the same color as my-" she stammered and he ran his hand through his hair.

"Yeah, I-I do. Is it bad? I could change it if you want to." 

"No, it's... Perfect. Thank you, Jeongguk." she whispered and kissed his cheek.

"I'm ready to go now." I whispered.

"Hoseok, are you sure you want to leave now?" he asked me, nervously.

"If I won't go now, I'll stay here forever. I know that my mom's husband is a good guy who will treat her with respect and that Jeongguk isn't someone who will break my sister's heart. He's been through a lot as well. The pain makes people stronger. Plus, he loves her. He's always loved her." I answered him and we both stood up.

As we were slowly walking from the park, everything behind us started to disappearThe trees, flowers, butterflies. All my work has been done, everything has been already said. My family is a family again. My mom's happy, my sister's happy and I'm happy as well. 

Yoongi was walking hand by hand with me, whispering the sweetest things in my ear, laughing at my jokes and when I looked at him again, I saw the boy who I fell in love with. His smile, his eyes with a sparkle and simple, just him. 

When we met, I was silently screaming "save me" and he was the only one who heard it.


Last epilogue. For those who stayed in the end - I really really love you, guys. ♥♥ I already said thank you but I feel I should tell it to you over and over so thank you. Thank you for supporting me and this incredible story. More than 50K readers, woah. I've never dreamed about it. Feel free to talk to me anytime & smile a lot. Goodbye. xoxo

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