Twenty five.

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Yoongi pov. 

I decided to make a breakfast for him since he was peacefully sleeping in the bedroom upstairs. We spent almost three hours downstairs yesterday, talking about everything and nothing, and kissing. My lips were puffy from yesterday's night but it was just a little thing. I chuckled, kissed his forehead and walked downstairs to the kitchen. 

It took me awhile, when I found everything I needed. Pancakes were already on table along with the jar of nutella or jam (here comes your lame joke with my boi jimin yall are so annoying with it tbh). I poured an orange juice into glasses, made myself a cup of coffee and when I wanted to go upstairs, I met him on a staircase. He was wearing my basketbal t-shirt which I left on my bed and black boxers. He yawned, rubbed his eyes and still sleepy he came down the stairs. 

"Good morning, babe." he muttered.

"Morning, did you sleep well?" I asked him, tucking a strand of his messy hair off his forehead. 

"My body hurts." he whispered with a smile.

"I'm sorry if I was-"

"No, it's okay. Don't apologize, it was all perfect." he pecked my lips, "don't blame yourself for destroying me, it's a good sign you made your job right.


"I thought we c-could visit the city, take a lunch there and maybe b-bhuy something to B-bhunny?" he muttered, a mouth full of pancakes.

"Don't eat and speak at the same time, Hoseok." I said with a laugh.

"I'm sorry." he smiled, "or have you got a better plan?"

"I don't. I would like to spend my day with my wonderful boyfriend." I said and he blushed.


We went to shower together because two can save a much more water than one person. I was giggling as he tried to wash my hair but then I ended up with shampoo in my eyes and he was apologizing all the time so I had to kiss him to convinced him I'm really okay. 

After shower, we both did our daily routines. Brushing teeth, fixing hair... Until the point of choosing a clothes. He chose mine and I chose his. I felt like a young, stupid teenager in love. He chose me a denim shirt, white tshirt and black skinny jeans with glasses and black hat while I chose him loose jeans, grey hoodie and denim jacket with glasses as well. 

"We look like a nerd couple right now," he admitted, looking at himself in the mirror. 

"Is it wrong?" I asked him, wrapping my arm around his waist. He immediately turned to me, pressing a soft kiss on my lips. 

"No, it's not. It's cute." he muttered under breathe. 


"You want me to what?" he asked in surprise.

"To dye your hair. Come on, we only live once. Besides, I think a new colour would suit you well." I giggled, messing his dark brown hair.

"I don't think that's a great idea." he said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm gonna dye them as well if it will comfort you somehow." I nodded.

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