Twenty seven. [2/?]

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Third person pov.

She changed her red coat for a pastel green coat, her black jeans for light blue jeans, black boots and her dark brown shoulder-length hair fell partly across her face. She looks beautiful like always. She placed fresh flowers there and she threw the old dried flowers into trash. Today it was a bouquet of Chartreuse roses. Their bright green color made everything around her looked a bit providently. 

"I'm here as I promised you, Hoseok." she said, "I'm so busy with the wedding stuffs. It's in two weeks and I'm so excited, even though I'll be here just by my own. Me, Yuni and her boyfriend are helping with organization. You wouldn't believe me how challenging it is. Flowers, lights, food, music, dresses, invitations. But I don't mind, I wanted to help so I'm helping." she chuckled. "I'm going to dress a beautiful, old pink dress. You know I've always wanted to wear them. Our mother's dress are so beautiful, Hoseok. She looks like a princess. I'm so glad she's met someone like Kwanghyun. The only one who's missing there is you, Hoseok. It's the most happiest day for us but without you, it's not. Well, for them it is but you promised me that you'll dance with me and unfortunately, you can't. But it's okay. I know you're looking after us from heaven and that's all what matters." she whispered and smiled. 

"And Yoongi, please take care of yourself and him as well." she added and giggled, "I love you, guys. Goodbye.

She turned her back to their graves and slowly went out of the graveyard. Her cheeks were red due to coldness outside and she rubbed her hands against each other because she forgot her gloves. She put a smile on her face and when she walked by me and I knew that if I won't talk to her now, I will never ever be able to. I plucked up the courage and went to her. 

My hands and knees were shaking and I didn't know why. Maybe because she's beautiful and I was so afraid that I will mess it up. I'm not usually that nervous when it comes to girls but with her, it's different. She's different. Her personality, her smile, her kind words, her eyes. Everytime I looked into her eyes, I felt like I was drowning. And everytime she spoke, my heart began to beat faster. 

I walked quickly to catch the step with her and when I was finally walking by her side with my hands in pockets, she finally looked at me. 

"Hi." I muttered. My chest tightened as I heard her lovely voice speaking, I ran my hand through my hair and she giggled.

"Jeongguk?  Hello! What brings you here? Oh, sorry. That's a stupid question." she muttered.

"No, it's okay. I came to visit my grandparents. And you?" I asked her back.

"I came here to my brother and his boyfriend." 

"Well, It's really cold today, isn't it?" I said, trying to change the subject because she looked upset again. 

"Yes, unfortunately. I forgot to take my gloves and scarf at home so." she answered me and rubbed her hands again.

"Here, let me give you mine scarf." I whispered. She remained standing next to me as I took off my scarf and carefully wrapped it around her neck.

"Thank you, but you d-didn't have to." she stuttered and looked at me.

"Of course I had to! You're freezing and I don't want you to get sick because then the school will be so empty and boring without you." I bit my bottom lip and she blushed.

"O-okay." she whispered.

"But if your hands are still freezing, we can walk hand by hand. I wouldn't mind." I offered her and she lightly hit my shoulder, laughing. 

"You're pretty something aren't you, Jeonggukie?" she said and I chuckled.

"Can I, uhm, can I walk you home? I don't want to let you go, especially now when it's late." I volunteered and she hid her face in my scarf. 

"Why are you so nice to me, Jeongguk?" she asked me in disbelief.

"Because you're the one truly person who really deserves it." 

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