Chapter 2: Out of Camp

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A moon after the great splashing contest, Flamekit got tired of waiting. He decided that one night, he would sneak out of camp and explore RiverClan territory, and maybe even beyond. Sneaking out of the camp at night, Flamekit crossed the log and immediately was astounded by the size of the forest. Wow, he thought, this is so cool! Flamekit, exploring the forest, eventually reached the border, where he met a loner walking near the border. Flamekit walked up to her. "Who are you?" He asked.

"Oh, hey! Don't worry about my name, I doubt we'll wind up running into each other again." She responded. "But who are you anyway?" Flamekit persisted. "Well, alright. I'm Wires. You?" She purred. "I'm Flamekit! I'm going to be the best RiverClan warrior ever!" He said, excited. "Well, maybe." She purred. "Just don't go after me." "Why would I?" He asked, confused. "No reason." She said quickly. "Well... okay. I should go back to camp, I don't want to get in trouble." "Yea, you should. Off you go then!" She said, watching Flamekit run back into the woods.

The next day, Flamekit sneaks out of camp again, this time heading to the river. Once there, he sees a rouge tom fishing in the river. As before, he walks up to him. "Who are you?" He asks. "Huh? What are you doing outside camp?" He asked, eyes narrow. "Er... I... snuck out?" He said, afraid he would get in trouble. He scents the air, and smells only Flamekit. "Well, you did a good job." He finally says. "Well, before I tell you my name, you need to tell me yours." He said. "I'm Flamekit!" He said. "Let me guess. You're going to be the best warrior ever." Rain says. "Yep!" Flame purrs. "Well, spoiler alert-not gonna happen. AT ALL." "Oh..." Flame responds, embarrassed. Seeing Flame embarrassed, Rain laughed. "Maybe you should get back to camp before something happens" He purred, unsheathing his claws to drag the point across. "Er... Bye!" Flamekit says, quickly running back to camp.

Like the last two times, Flamekit sneaks out the next night. This time, he decides to cross the border and go the gathering place. This time, it isn't a loner he finds, instead, it's a WindClan cat. Flame goes up and asks the new cat "Who are you?" The she-cat turns around and sees Flame. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Exploring. Who are you?" Flamekit asks again. "I'm Hollyspring. I'm from WindClan!" She purred. "Cool! What's it like there?" Flame asks. "We catch fish and protect our borders!" Hollyspring thinks for a moment before giving Flamekit a deal. "I'll tell you, but only if you go back to your camp afterwards." Flame thinks for a moment before responding. "Okay, but could we meet here again tomorrow? You seem nice." "Er..." Hollyspring blushes, suprised by the remark. "Sure, I guess. So okay, in WindClan we catch rabbits and, well, protect our borders." "So the same as RiverClan?" Flame asks. "Mostly, yeah. Okay, you go back to camp now!" Hollyspring quickly says. "Okay!" Flame says, heading back to camp.

The next day, Flamekit sneaks out of camp yet again, planning on meeting Hollyspring. Hollyspring had beat him to the gathering place. "You're late." She said annoyed. "Yea... I had stuff going on I wanted to deal with." Flame said, embarrassed. "Hey, I've never been in the cave before! Can I explore it?" He asks. "Sure!" Hollyspring purred. "Just be careful going down, and wait for me before doing anything." She says. "Okay!" Flame runs down into the cave, before turning and watching Hollyspring come down. However, tragedy strikes. Hollyspring trips on a rock and falls down the rest of the way, severely cutting up her leg. "Hollyspring!" Flame yells, running up to her. "Are you alright? Do you want me to get the medicine cat?" "Can you put those cobwebs on over there first? Then... go get the med cat." She says, clearly struggling. "On it!" Flamekit quickly puts the cobwebs scattered around the cave on her leg, which is clearly badly infected, and runs back into camp as fast as he can. Once in camp, Flamekit runs to the med den and calls for the medicine cat, Sootpurr. "Sootpurr! There's an injured cat at the gathering place!"

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