Chapter 8: Circuit

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That night, Flamestrike found himself in a grassy meadow under the sky. "Where am I?" He asked, seeing a cat rush up to him. "You're in StarClan!" The cat said. "I'm Moonsun." "WHAT!? I DIED!? HO-oh wait I might know how... I AM GOING TO KILL ASHEN!!!!" Flamestrike says, wide-eyed. "No, silly, you aren't dead! I'm visiting you in you're dream. You're fine." She says. "Oh... I don't know what's more surprising, the fact I'm not dead or the fact I'm being visited by fu-er, freaking StarClan." Flamestrike said. "Probably the fact you're not dead, since you have a whole army of rouges after you at this point." Moonsun purred.

"Maybe... anyway, why are you visiting me, a normal warrior, and not Sootpurr or Pebblestar?" Flamestrike asked. "Because it only concerns you, not them. You need to know about Silverdream?" Moonsun asked. Flamestrike nodded, and Moonsun continued. "She was indeed nice while in the clan, but she was corrupted by her mentor when she was an apprentice. She eventually got kicked out due to her corruption, but a series of unfortunate events led to her death. She was initially a Limbo cat, but died again, so she was reborn in the Dark Forest."

As Moonsun is explaining this, Silverdream walks over. "So now you know the truth." Silverdream finished for Moonsun. Flamestrike turned to face Silverdream. "Okay, we need to get some truce going. What is it you want from RiverClan?" Flamestrike asked. "For one, I only control part of the rouge forces, not the entire group. As for what I want from RiverClan, revenge." She said. "You got plenty of revenge! You killed several cats already, including Owlkit!" Flamestrike said. "True, but killing's fun." "Then go hunt and kill prey."

"Aw, that's boring!" Silverdream states. "Ok, um, foxes? Badgers?" Flamestrike says, listing off different creatures. "Nope. Still boring. I like to see heartbreak." Silverdream says. "Erm... twolegs?" Flamestrike says, starting to run out of ideas. "Too tall. Though I could get THEM to kill cats... I've seen their wars. It would be fun to watch the forest and twolegplace literally blow up, killing thousands." Silverdream smirked. "NO, NO TWOLEGS!!" Flamestrike hisses. Silverdream thinks for a moment, before sighing. "You win. It would be fun for a bit, but it would become boring very quickly." Silverdream yawns.

Flamestrike suddenly woke up. He goes outside of camp to hunt and do more surveying. He suddenly heard Minnowtail yowl in the distance. He runs over to her and hides in a bush to check out what's going on. A male rouge has Minnowtail pinned underneath him. Dear StarClan, Minnow's being raped! Flamestrike thinks, as Tigerfang leaps out and bowls the rouge over, allowing Minnowtail to escape. Tigerfang claws the rouge, and the rouge hisses in pain. Minnowtail turns around and claws the rouge's face. He really deserves that. Flamestrike thinks before jumping in and attacking the rouge himself. "Get away from her!" Flamestrike yells, clawing at the rouge. The rouge dodges and claws Flamestrike, making Flamestrike hiss in pain. "Go away Circuit!" He hears Minnowtail yell as she claws at Circuit. Tigerfang runs up to attack Circuit. Flamestrike sneaks away into a nearby bush, preparing to use his guerrilla warfare strategy.

Meanwhile, another rouge rushes in and joins the battle, attacking Minnowtail. Tigerfang sneaks away into the same bush Flamestrike is in. "Hey, Tigerfang! I have an idea. You go that way and attack that rouge over there." Flamestrike says. "Porcupine?" Tigerfang asked. "Yea, him. I'll go this way and pin Circuit." "Sounds good." Tigerfang said before sneaking around Porcupine's flank. Flamestrike does the same with Circuit, but breaks a twig. Circuit hears it and realizes what's happening. "Porcupine, attack over there!" He points to Tigerfang before charging at Flamestrike.

Flamestrike dodges out of the way, and claws Circuit in the process. Meanwhile, Porcupine has pinned Tigerfang, and is clawing relentlessly at him. Minnowtail yowls and bowls Porcupine over. Porcupine and Circuit pull back, claws still unsheathed. "What is the meaning of this!?" Circuit said. "I'M NOT JUST GOING TO SIT THERE AND WATCH YOU RAPE SOMEONE!!!!" "Flame, I wasn't being raped." Minnowtail says, tending to Tigerfang. "Oh. Well, my point still stands!" Flamestrike hisses. "Minnowtail, get Tigerfang back to camp and get reenforcements. I'll hold them off." He hisses. Circuit and Porcupine charge at Flamestrike, attacking him from both sides. "Flamestrike, you can't hold them off!" Minnowtail says, seeing Flamestrike getting overwhelmed. She rushes in and claws Porcupine's face. "Run!" She yowls. Flamestrike picks up Tigerfang and runs off, Minnowtail close behind.

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