Chapter 29

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As soon as we were entering our home room the girls and I ran right into Toby.

"Oh, they you guys are. I was just about to go looking for you." he said.

"Thanks. Sorry about that. There was a line for the bathroom." I explained.

He snorted. "What's new?"

The girls and I giggled.

"Okay, ready for geometry, Kris?" I asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." she said as we linked arms.

"We'll see you guys later!" I said as Jenna and I walked to our class.

"You'll have to be my buddy for first period now." Jenna said to Toby as she linked arms with him.

"Lucky me." he mumbled, but anyone could tell that he was hiding a laugh.

I winked at him and said, "Have fun."

He winked back and replied, "You too."

As soon as we were out of ear reach Kris said, "So, what's all that about?"

"What's all what about?" I asked, confused.

"All the winking between you and Toby."

"I'm not flirting with him I'm just teasing him. We've been getting close again." I said, unable to hide my smile.

"Someone's happy."

"I am. I have the best friends and the best boyfriend. Unfortunately I can't say the same about my family. I haven't seen Vinny or Dad in forever."

"Everything's going to be fine and Vinny is not with Kaitlin. He looks up to you. Unless he's being blackmailed or threatened I definitely do not see a reason why he would join her. I mean, he's a freshman, 14 years old. I don't think he's into the same thing Tamani is."

"I hope to God he isn't." I mumbled.

"Okay, that reminds me. What was that whole thing with Tamani?"

"What thing?"

"You know, you were all over him."

"Well, would you rather us be dead or with no answers? He seemed like the type of boy to fall for that shit and he did. Trust me, I did not want to do it but it was the only way. I feel so disgusting right now. Ugh."

"Okay, good. But I don't like the way he was looking at us."

"Neither do I. But I just think that he seriously does think we're hot. Like, why would he hurt us? He had me all over him. If he really wanted to kill us he would've stroke when I was doing what was necessary."

"True. So I'm guessing that Connor doesn't find out about this? Because then we would have to explain everything about Kaitlin and let's not forget that she's still dating our dear Toby."

I could literally feel my face fall. "You guess right. And I know. We have to be careful around him, especially. I mean, we see him every day. We do see the others every day too but we actually have classes with Toby and you and Jenna and I are getting very close to him. We have to watch ourselves."

"Yeah. Totally."

"Let's change topic because we're here. Are we going to the football game tonight?" I asked as we walked into the geometry room. 

"Of course. It'll be the first football game of the year. We'll talk to the guys about it at lunch."

"Great!" I said once Mr. Kucher started the class.

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