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The small trickle of salty blood was deposited from my mouth after I sniffed. I glanced down at my bloody hands to see them starting to bruise and the blood was starting to stain on my clothing.

I reached over to the left side of me and received the still loaded gun. The police sirens coming near forced me to get up off my ass and start running.

I only had one place to go and I was praying I didn't get caught before I made it there.

The police sirens sound like they were getting closer and closer. I stashed the gun in the back of my pants and hopped over a fence, landing on a trash can.

I jumped down and ran throw the backyard until I reached 12tH Street's backyard. I jumped over that fence and ran to his back door, beating on it.

I continue to beat on it until I heard him unlocking locks and the door quickly swung open and a gun was held to my head. I froze and swallowed hard.

"Boy, yo ass was about to get dealt with. The fuck you want this late at night?" He remove the gun from in front of my face and stepped back to let me in while unloading the gun.

"I did it." I mumbled. I could feel him eyeing me.

"What you do?"

I removed the gun from the back of my pants and slowly sat it on the kitchen counter. I took a deep breath and removed my hand from it.

"I shot him. He's dead."

He looked at the gun then looked at me. He quickly went to a draw and pulled out a garbage bag. He grabbed the gun with the garbage bag and wrapped it in the bag, going into the living room.

In a matter of seconds, he started cleaning the gun. Removing any unneeded finger prints before stashing it in his hiding spot until further notice.

I watched him as he made calls to his homeboys while grabbing things from out of his closet. He ended the calls and walked over to me.

"Ace, clean up and lock the door behind me. I'll be back." He said before putting his hood over his head. He disappeared out the back door and I locked it behind him.

I rubbed my hands down my face as I walked to the bathroom in the hallway. I flicked on the lights and closed the door behind me.

I looked in the mirror seeing the right side of my cheek beginning to bruise. Blood still continue to trickle down my nose.

The police sirens that I previously heard seemed to die down as I removed my shirt from my body. I rubbed my hands over the permanent scar on my body and sighed.

Shit happens everyday, bro. Might as well forget about it.

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