Chapter Twenty : "Scared."

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Tamir Bryant

The school's library were surrounded with the whole football team, coaches from different universities and even junior colleges, along with parents of athletes that were signing today.

On one side of the library you had tables sat up with deserts, drinks, and other little finger foods for the guests while on the other side you had the tables where the athletes will the signing at sat up.

I was only in here because Ty's signing today. He hasn't told us where but I could feel like he's going to commit to LSU. He's gotten offers from Mississippi State University, University of Mississippi, The University of Southern Mississippi, and Louisiana State University.

He's a pretty good ass RB if you asked me. He's been committed to making it out since he was a youngin'. What I like about Ty is that he doesn't act like any other athlete.

You know the ones that think the world revolves around them and they need special treatment because they're an athlete.

"Y'all know I've always called myself a Tiger since I started my football career so it's only right for me to be a real tiger and commit to LSU." His answer made me look over at him and smile while everyone cheered. He looked over at me and held up his fist. I did the same as his father attacked him with a hug.

It's crazy how his mother wasn't able to see him commit but I know she's looking down on his with a smile. And I know for a fact his father is proud of him.

After they congratulated him along with taking pictures of him and his father, he came over to me. I stepped back to take a look at him and he begin squatting down while groping his chin.

"Check out the boy. He fixing to eat." He stood back up and gave me a handshake along with a hug. "I'm proud of you, nigga."

"Appreciate it, man. You knew I was going to commit to LSU didn't it?"

"Yeah. I kind of figured it was a best fit for you. Don't get down there and start showing out now."

"I'm not," he laughed. "But I'ma catch up with you later."

"Most def. Do your thing." He hand shook me one last time before going over to talk to people. Nyck came up to me while stuffing his mouth with food. I shook my head at him.

"I'll be glad when you stop eating like a damn kid."

"Fuck off, son."

We made our way out the library because it was started to get crowded. I was suppose to been back in class by now due to me lying like I was going to the bathroom. Teachers should know me by now. If I say I'm going to the bathroom I won't be back in class until like a minute before the bell ring.

I stood in front of Zoë's classroom door and looked in the window. I got one of her associate's attention so she could get Zoë for me. Zoë looked at the window and noticed me.

I winked at her and puckered my lips out for a kiss. She started laughing and shook her head. I motioned for her to come here but she shook her head and pointed to her teacher.

I opened the door and the class focused their attention on me.

"Um, Mrs. Wallington, I need Zoë. We have to finish a project for Mr. Dekker. It's only going to take ten minutes."

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