Chapter Twenty-Eight : "No Faith."

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Tamir Bryant

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Tamir Bryant

Day 21 of what I feel like is going to be eternity. I can't believe that someone got me caught up. I don't know who but Krit said he do, but he doesn't want to tell me. I've been trying to pin point who it could be, but I haven't came up with anything because I didn't tell anyone but Krit and 12tH but then again, someone was at the trap sleep that day I told Krit.

Minus all of that, someone also told my mother that I was incarcerated. It's eating her up especially since she know what I'm in here for. I told Krit to tell her that I apologize and he kindly did that for me. I know him along with 12tH said they'll have me out soon but I doubt it.

I have no faith. I give up. I honestly don't care about shit anymore but seeing Zoë who's been trying to see me every chance she gets but I told her to chill on that and just write me. I love seeing her but I don't want her seeing me behind that glass.

"Bro, you're talented as hell." My cellmate, Nas, looked over my shoulder at my drawings.

Since I've been incarcerated, that's all I've been doing.

"Preciate that." I placed my pencil and look at the freestyle drawing I just completed. It was a drawing that only I could understand and I just hope he didn't ask what it was because I didn't feel like explaining it.

"If only you had the utensils to do a tattoo. I'll deadass let you do me one." He took a seat on the bed.

Nas is a year older than me. Besides him being my cellmate, he's the only nigga I clicked with. I was trying to stay to myself in here but we ended up talking one day and clicked.

He's in here for drug possession, getting a longer sentence than a rapist which is unbelievable. Nas is real humble and don't take any shit. He put me on game and taught me a lot of shit. Nigga is alright with me.

"Do me a favor." He said out of nowhere which cause me to look up from the floor.


"Once you get out, go get your tattoo license. You're talented, man. That's something I know you'll be good at."

I looked at him for a while then scratched my beard. That's actually a pretty good idea. I mean I never took my drawing seriously, but I should now right?

"I'll think about it." I lied, really taking his idea into consideration.

"Nah, motherfucker you gone do it," he laughed which caused me to laugh. "And I'll be your number one customer."

"Say no more." I chuckled a little, feeling a little ounce of hope returning.

But I know it'll soon vanish. Nothing good happens to me which is why I'm here now. This life shit is challenging and I'm not up for this challenge like I use to be. I don't know what's going on with me, but I'm not the same anymore and I'm struggling to get back to where I was.

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