Chapter Twenty-Six : "Don't Forget About Us."

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Tamir Bryant

Going to jail was not my after high school plan. I fucked up by killing Travis but I honestly don't regret it. If I didn't kill him, he would have killed me. I've been in a different phase every since that night.

I haven't talked to my girl nor seen her in three days. I just can't handle this shit right now. I only texted her and said I love her then after that I shut my phone off.

My house was cautioned off but somehow I was able to get most of my clothing and shoes out since 12tH said I wasn't going to be able to stay there anymore. He basically forced me to move in with him.

I can feel myself about to go crazy. I have to spend some time with my girl before I end up in jail.

12tH instructed me on every thing I needed to do until he came up with a getaway plan. I listened to every thing he said and took it all into consideration.

"Am I wrong for dipping on Zo like that?" I asked 12tH who was rambling through the refrigerator while I sat at the table.

"Yeah, man. You should go see her."

"I can't. I will end up telling her what happen."

"You can't. Zoë's the type to over think every thing. She will end up crying and thinking the worse. I don't want her stressing over some shit I'm going to handle."

"Why?" I mumbled.

"Why what?" He closed the refrigerator and looked at me.

"Why you helping me? Why you haven't snitched on me?"

He let out a low chuckle and wiped his nose with his thumb.

"Why would I let a nigga that didn't do anything wrong get life in prison? I been said I had you since we both were some young niggas. All that shit you already been through, man. I'm not about to let you go through this shit by yourself. It's just all love, cuz."

I looked at him. This nigga like the brother I've never had.

"You real, man."

"Don't you forget it," he reached into his pants pocket and threw me a set of keys. "Now go see your girl. With y'all in love asses."

"Says the nigga that's in love with Essence already." I stood up from the table.

"Fuck off, bitch." He chuckled before leaving out the kitchen. I made my way to the front door and out of it.

He gave me the keys to his Camaro. I was glad because I didn't want to drive any of his other cars. I got into the driver's side and started the car up. I turned the radio down and just turned on the basic radio.

Hopefully she's at home.

I made it from North Jackson to Flowood in a short period of time although it felt like forever. I drove through her suburban ass neighborhood until I reached her house. I parked in the driveway and cut the car off.

Once I made it to the front door, I rung the doorbell a couple of times before stepping back.

She opened it after a while of waiting. I stared at her in awe, not knowing what to say.

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