Chapter Seventeen : "Second Chance."

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Zoë Elliot

Crumbled up paper were scattered everywhere in Tamir's room. The pressure of trying to finish his English homework in less than twenty four hours been building up on him. Every idea he thought of, turns out to not be a good idea in his opinion. I had one, but I was a little skeptical on telling him because it's based off a real person's life.

"How the fuck we're suppose to write a short story about something? I'm not a damn author." Tamir blew out a breath while rubbing his hands down his face.

Tamir looked at me as I stood up from his bed to walk over to his mirror that was on his dresser. I looked down at my fingers, fiddling with them a little. I took a deep breath before looking up at the mirror to see my reflection. I open my mouth and begin to speak out.

"Imagine a little girl going through a few obstacles. Being doubted, neglected, pushed over by her peers. All she ever wanted was to not be doubted or asked the same question all the time. She thought no one loved her but her family. She couldn't help she had a disease or wasn't as pretty as the other girls. She couldn't help it that she walks different. Her life got so bad that..."

"One day, she went into her bathroom with a pill bottle. She sat on the bathroom floor and begin taking the pills one by one as the tears trickled down her face. By her 10th pill, she begin to feel different. All she could remember is her mother calling her name before she blanked out. If it wasn't for her mother coming home early, she would have died from an overdose even though that what she was aiming for,"

I begin to feel my eyes water as I continue to stare at myself in the mirror. I could feel Tamir looking at me.

"About 3 years later, she met a couple of friends that helped her get better. She finally had those supportive friends that she always wanted. She realized that life is better than what she thought it was and she had another chance to live it out. She's currently trying to as she's slowly starting to love herself again."

I finished up just when a tear escaped my eye. I quickly wiped it and cleared my throat.

I heard Tamir stand up from the bed. He eventually stood behind me, looking in the mirror. He slowly pulled my head up for me to look at myself in the mirror since I had put it down when he approached me.

"That little girl's you, isn't it?" Tamir asked, placing his hands on the dresser.

I nod my head slowly, feeling a weight being removed from my shoulders. My first time letting anyone know besides Deia and Averi.

"I met this girl on the first day of school. She was walking down the hall with her book bag secured on her back. She had her hands in her jacket pockets as she steadily made her way to her class. She looked unbothered but she also looked like she wasn't having a good day. Something about her caught my eye. It was her walk..."

He made sure I was looking at him as he continue to speak.

"Listen, your walk is beautiful and so are you. You felt like you'll be at ease once you were dead, didn't it. I've been there and know what that feels like. Neglected, being doubted, alone, all of that. I know how you fell, but only the strong survive. And you did,"

"You've had numerous surgeries but you've made it through. You're strong and I see a beautiful girl that's going to make her family proud in the near future along with her nigga that's going to be there for her big nose."

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