Chapter Fourteen : "Life's Never Easy."

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Tamir Bryant

Christmas Day, another one without my mother or any of my family. Majority of my family on my mother's side lives in Florida, where I'm originally from, also where Alexus lives at right now. My mother moved to the sip when I was about five years old when Travis along with her got a well paying job here. We've been staying here every since.

I've adapted to not having my mother here everyday and not having a father that really cares about me. They say life's never easy and I'm starting to see that as I get older, but I guess going through tough obstacles is what builds you, right?

"Where you going, lil nigga?" Travis asked once I made it to the living room. I looked over to my left to see him sitting at the kitchen table with a half a bottle of beer in front of him. I ignored him while I grabbed my wallet off the coffee table, checking to see if my money along with credit card was still there. It was.

"What are you deaf now?"

"Man, let me borrow your car for a couple of hours." I slipped my wallet in the back pocket of my light denim, distressed jeans and walked into the kitchen.


"Alabama. I trying to go see Ki." I watch him lit up a cigarette and blow out smoke.

"Alright, be back before midnight. I have somewhere to go." He then threw me his keys. I was surprised he was lending me his car.

I caught the keys and turned around, making my way to the coat closet. I grabbed the bags of gifts and made my way outside to the car. I placed the gifts in the backseat before getting into the driver's seat, starting up the car.

It didn't take long for the car to warm up due to it not being as cold outside. I texted Zoë letting her know that I was on my way. She responded back shortly. I put the car in reverse and backed out the driveway, making my way to Zoë's house.

When I made it there, I saw a few cars parked on the curb and some in the driveway. I blew out a breath and found a spot for me to park at before cutting the car off. I checked myself in the mirror along with my breath before getting out. I grabbed her gift along with her mother's gift from the backseat and made my way up the door.

As soon as I rung the doorbell, a tall, muscular man appeared at the door. He resembled Krit which made me figure out that this was their father. He started smiling and laughing at the same time, catching me off guard.

"Ace Boogie. How you doing? I've heard so much about you." He held his hand out for a handshake. I politely smiled and shook his hand. "Merry Christmas, son."

"Same to you, sir."

"Sir? Just call me Mon." He chuckled once again. "Come in."

I walked into the house to see some more of Zoë's family members. They all greeted me and I greeted them back. I finally saw Zoë come from the kitchen with her mother behind her. I've noticed Zoë only dress up on special occasions and today was one of those. Of course she was looking amazing in her off the shoulder shirt with some light denim distressed jeans similar to mine also with some heels that made her look taller. She installed her faux locs last night while she was on FaceTime with me and they're actually cute on her.

"Mm, surprised you made it on time." Zoë chuckled, walking up to me.

"Man, whatever," I smacked my lips lowly. "Merry Christmas though. I hope you like them." I said as I hand her the remaining of her gifts then handed her mother her gift. "And Merry Christmas to you as well, Ms. Zelda."

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