Chapter Five : "Another Story For Another Day."

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Tamir Bryant

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Tamir Bryant

The history class got more and more crowded as the minutes went by. This was my last class of the day also the most talkative class.

Our teacher was a transfer college professor. Which meant our class was ten times harder than any other history class because of the way he taught. He teach his normal way which is how a college professor teach.

When it comes to this class I'm either quiet, sleep, drawing, or goofying around with my classmates.

"Goodmorning students," Mr. Dekker greeted as he closed the classroom door. "Today's the day we'll start on our big History project. Remember, there should be a five page essay on what you have learned, a poster board for us to visualize along with a well put together costume,"

I blew out my breath, shaking my head at this unnecessary work he was assigning to us.

"This is due the week before Thanksgiving break which give you guys a little over three weeks until due date. Now, I will be assigning your partners so,"

I scanned the classroom to see if there was anyone I wasn't willing to work with. This class was filled with smart people and only like a few people that doesn't do their work.

"Tamir Bryant and Zoë Elliot." Slipped out the teacher's mouth. I froze and cursed under my breath.

"If you have a problem with your partner, I advise you to work it out. You will not get the option of changing your partners. Get to work." He turned on his heels and went to sit at his desk.

The class started rearranging the classroom and going over to their partners. I realized I was going to have to go over to Zoë since it didn't look like she was going to move.

I stood up from my desk with my bookbag secured on my back. I made my way over to the other side of the room where little miss Zoë was seated.

I grabbed the chair from the computer desk and scooted up to her. I placed my elbows on her desk and smiled at her.

I was going to do everything I can just to get under her skin.

"Yeah, you don't have to be that close to me." She removed my elbows from her desk. I brushed it off and sat my back in the seat.

"I'm Ace and you must be Krit's little sister."

"I prefer Zoë." She responded smartly.

"Well Zoë, how are you?" I tried to be Tamir instead of Ace.

"Let's cut the small talk and start on our project."

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