Chapter Twenty-Two : "A Different Breed."

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Tamir Bryant

Procrastination is like my best friend. I don't know why Zoë and I waited this late to get our prom things. Prom is in three days and I needed a haircut and she needed her shoes and her hair did. We've been running back and forward to find our outfits. Luckily, we've managed to find our outfits the day we went looking.

Now that I have all my credits, I've just been chilling real hard lately. College kind of approach my mind but soon slipped away. I mean I'm eligible to go to a college but I just don't want to. I literally hate school with a passion.

Hopefully I get a well paying job somewhere after I graduate.

"I promise you're like the female version of me." I looked at Zoë in her basketball shorts with a white tank top along with some mix matched socks.

"Do I really act like you?" She laughed, bending over to pick up her jeans.

"You're starting to. It's cute though." I smiled a little as she sat on her bed Indian style.

"Everyone has been saying that. Even Javeer. He was like damn you starting to sound like him too."

"Told you about saying my words."

"Like you don't say my shit." She looked over at me and I mugged her. She playfully rolled her eyes before looking at her phone.

I looked over at her night stand and noticed some dice. A perfect idea came to mind less than no time. I grabbed the dice and stood up, fixing my basketball shorts.

"I already know either Krit or 12tH taught you how to play Craps. Let's play." I rolled the dice in the palm of my right hand.

"Are we playing for money?" She asked, looking at me.

"Nah," I shook my head then let my eyes travel down her body. "Clothes."

She bit down on her bottom lip before standing up. I went over by her as we both squatted down.

"You might as well get naked now." Zoë poked the inside of her mouth with her tongue before smiling.

"Yeah, right." I shook the dice up real good before letting them fall out of my hand. I rolled a nine then looked up at her.

She grabbed the dice and shook them up with both hands. I smacked my lips at her extra self then noticed she rolled a seven. She snapped her fingers.

"Uh huh. Strip." She sat down on the floor and leaned back on her hands. I removed my white t-shirt from my body while she whistled.

"Me likes." She grinned while I chuckled and shook my head.

Zoë ended up being in her bra and her boy shorts while I was left in my basketball shorts. After her one little win, I was winning the rest of the games. We didn't go long because I couldn't control myself.

I could feel both of our bodies heat up as the kiss got intense. She gripped my bare back while our tongues continue to dance with one another. I could feel myself getting hornier by the second. I let my hands roamed around her small frame.

"Zoë!" Both of our eyes opened at the sound of Krit's voice. "Come here, bruh."

"Ok!" She yelled back while I rolled off of her and sat up against the end of the bed. I looked at her as she slipped on her clothing then looked at me.

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