Chapter Twenty-Five : "Don't Tell."

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"You ain't shit and never will be shit, my nigga."


Tamir Bryant

Graduation day. The day I've been looking forward to since kindergarten. I couldn't believe I was finally done with high school but I couldn't be more happier. My grandmother drove up here a day early along with a few of my cousins. I let them meet Zoë and all of that good stuff.

I never thought I'll be nervous but here I am. I'm not nervous to walk across stage or anything like that I'm just nervous about what's going to happen after I receive that diploma. I have no plans. No dreams. No passion for anything.

What am I going to do?

I erased all the negativity out my head as of now to focus on putting my cap and gown on. Zoë wanted me to get dressed at her house with her so we could leave together.

"Ooh my baby looking hell of good. Damn, we might need to skip graduation." I teased, walking up behind her.

"You look good as well. Smelling good too. Shit now, don't make me take these clothes off. While you're looking all daddyish and shit." She chuckled some while I smile.

"Daddy? I like that. Say it again." I brushed my tongue over my bottom lip.

"Get the entire fuck." She started laughing before sitting on the bed to put on her shoes.

Around twenty minutes later we were ready to leave. Krit and Deia scooped us out from Zoë's house due to her mother and grandmother already leaving.

"Y'all real life about to graduate? Damn, I'm proud of y'all." Krit said while focusing his attention on the road.

"Appreciate that." I said before looking over at Zoë who was taking pictures. I scooted over closer to her just to photobomb. She started smiling before we took a regular picture.

"We're getting hype as fuck tonight!" Krit and Deia yelled at the same time. Zoë and I looked over at each other before laughing.

Today's about to be a good day, well hopefully.

Our graduation went by fairly quick to me. My girl, my best friends, and I have finally did it. Thirteen fucking years of school done, man. Let's go!

"Class of 2016. We lit. We the shits. You a bitch, come suck our dicks!" We screamed out loud as we threw our hats in the air while everyone in the plaza scream as well.

I found Zoë and hugged her while lifting her in the air.

"We did that shit, bro." She yelled as I stood her on her feet.

"We did that shit." I handshook her before felling confetti all over me.

A huge, huge weight has just been lifted off my shoulders. I'm so proud of myself at this moment that I couldn't believe it. Shit, I'm proud of the whole class. We helped each other and made sure we all walked across that stage and that's exactly what we did.

"I'm so proud of you, Ace." My grandmother pulled me into a huge hug once she saw me. I started smiling and kissed her cheek.

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