Chapter Four : "In Due Time."

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Zoë Elliot

I parked my mother's car in front of the address Javeer gave to me. I looked on the mailbox to make sure I was at the correct house. I took a deep breath before getting out of the car with the keys in my hands.

My finger pressed the doorbell once I made it to the front door. Of course I was skeptical of going to a complete stranger's house.

The sound of locks unlocking dismissed me out of my thoughts of being a little bit nervous. An average height, brown skin male with a beard stood upon me.

"Who are you?" His semi deep voice spilled out of his mouth.

I looked behind me then back at him, not liking his tone or the way he addressed me, but I decided to just drop it and do what I came here to do.

"Um.. Is 12tH Street here? I'm here to pick up a package for Krit." I slipped my hands in my jacket's pockets, waiting on an answer.

He eyed me before leaning his head behind the white door to say something.

"Yo 12tH, a girl here to pick up some for Krit."

A few seconds later I saw 12tH Street coming to the door with a blunt between his top and bottom lip. He removed it to show his smile.

"Had no choice, huh?" He chuckled, motioning for me to come in.

"Not really." I mumbled as I closed the door behind me.

The guy from earlier cut off my steps by walking in front of me to go to the living room. Once again, I ignored his rudeness and followed where 12tH Street was located.

He picked up a medium size cardboard box and sat it on the table. He grabbed a black sharpie; writing some words on it. I realize it was probably a code name for something due to me not knowing what it read.

Sure doesn't seem like cotton candy to me.

"Let your brother know we have some business to take care of when he returns."

"Alright." I removed my hands from my pockets.

"Need any help, skin and bones?"

"No thank you. I got it." I grabbed the box, making my way out of the kitchen.

I successfully got the box out the door and into the car without dropping it. I grabbed the keys out my back pocket and started the car up.

I decided to call Javeer letting him know I got the package and ask him what to do with it.

"Wassup, sis?" He answered on the second ring.

"I have your stuff. What to do with it?"

"Take it to the trap on the north. Take it to the basement and pull up the door from under the rug then stash it in there."

"What? No. I don't like that side of town and you know that. Can you just have one of your guys to take it?" I let out a sigh.

"No. I need for you to do it. Stop bein' scary. Who gone fuck with Krit's sister?"

"Let's see, Javeer. Anyone will. You're just going to have to come and get it from my house when you get back."

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