Chapter Twenty-Three : "Favorite Girl [1]."

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part one.

Zoë Elliot

Reruns of A Different World begin to play on my television as I sat on the end of my bed, folding my freshly dried clothes. I wiped my nose with the back of my wrist before sniffing. I really hope I'm not getting sick. I get sick easily and I promise it's the worse when I do.

Prom is in less than seven hours and surprisedly, I'm looking forward to it. Although Averi isn't attending prom due to her having a huge gig this weekend which was taking pictures of the famous Migos. I was bummed that I wasn't able to go with her like she asked and I was also bummed that she was missing her senior prom, but she didn't care about prom.

If you would have asked me last year if I was going to my senior prom I would have more than likely said no. I've noticed I've came out my shell a little since I became a senior. I actually owe it to Averi and Tamir for pushing me to do things that I don't normally do. I'm actually liking it.

"Shiloh!" I heard my mother yell my middle name from the front room. I don't know why they yell my name like we stay in a two story house.

"Ma'am?!" I opened my room door and stuck my head out of it.

"Come here real quick." She replied back.

I walked out my room and started walking down our long hallway to the front. I noticed she was in the kitchen so I made my way there. I immediately screeched once I saw my grandmother, Lola.

"Granny!" I screeched running up to her to give her a hug.

"Hey, Shiloh! How's my baby been?" She's laughed, hugging me back. She's really the only one that calls me by my middle name.

Lola is my mother's mother. The most amazing person in this world. She's very sweet but can get mean if you get on her bad side. We've always had a close bond, but now that she stays in Biloxi, I've rarely been spending time with her. Especially since her ass never home.

She's the traveling type. She never like to be still every since she was a young girl. She was adventurous which is where my mother's sister, my aunt Venice gets that from. She's travels for a living. We actually went on a few trips with her before. It was pretty cool and I thought about that being my career but I haven't really decided on it as of now.

"I've been good. Got accepted to Spelman and Clark, but I decided to go to Spelman." I informed her on some great news. Of course I had to tell my granny.

"Really? That's amazing. All that hard work has been paying off. How's your leg?" She took a sip from her coffee mug.

"It's better. I have my days when it hurts because of the weather but other than that, I'm fine. Now, how have you been, Ms. Thang?" I looked over at my mother who was cooking something that was smelling good.

"Girl, been trying to sit my ass down at home."

"You should move to Georgia with us this summer!" I suggested and she started smiling.

"I am darling. Your mother and I was just talking about that."

"Really? This is so amazing." I got overly excited that my grandmother was moving to Georgia with us. Now I just wish the rest of my love ones could do the same, including Tamir.

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