Chapter Twenty-Nine : "Kiss Goodbye."

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Zoë Elliot

Boyfriend's in jail, brother is ducking from the cops, and father is moving to get out of trouble. If my life isn't going downhill just when I was beginning to build it.

I stress about my love ones situations more than my own. I know it's best for me to stay positive but I can't, especially since I can't contact Tamir at the moment and he can't contact me.

12tH informed me on how Tamir got in trouble a few days after I visited him. He got into a fight with a security guard along with an inmate. Things were almost looking good for him, but now his court date has been set back again.

And the worse thing is, I can't stay here any longer. I have to get to Georgia to sort out every thing before it's too late. All of this is just too much for me to handle.

"It's like everything was just starting to look good for us. I've finally found happiness and it was quickly snatched away from me before I could really enjoy it. This stuff hurts, Mama." I vented to my mother as my eyes continue to water.

"Baby, love isn't easy and isn't suppose to. I know the pain you're going through seeing the guy you love not by your side, but it's going to be alright. Tamir is going to be out no time and I'm going to make sure he come to Georgia for you. Stop crying because when you cry, I cry and you know Mama hates crying." She fan her eyes which caused me to chuckle a little while I sniffed.

"I know you don't want to leave, but we have to go in the next 30 minutes." She said which made me sigh and nod my head. She kissed my forehead before getting up off my bedroom floor, going out my door.

I looked around my empty room, remembering every little detail about it. Remembering every little fun moment I've had in here.

I can't believe I'm going to miss Mississippi.

My phone dinged from beside me. I picked it up to see it was an attachment from an unknown number. I unlocked my phone and opened the message and begin playing the video. My eyes begin rewatering seeing a video of Tamir.

"Hey baby," he smiled, making my heart flutter. He's still so damn fine. "That day has finally came, huh? Can't believe you're really about to go off to college. I'm so proud of you, man,"

"Just wanted you to know that I love you and I appreciate you for everything you've done for me. Continue to make me proud, aight? Remain focus and come out strong. Love you. Don't you forget that." He ended the video with the same smile he greeted with.

A tear dropped on my phone as I replayed the video a couple of times. I finally built by strength up to text who ever it was that sent the video a long paragraph for them to show Tamir. I then stood up from the floor.

I stared at my bedroom one last time before leaving out of it. Off to a new beginning in a new state. Lord be with me.

"Ready to go?" My mother asked as I got into the truck. I clicked my seatbelt and sat back in the seat.

"Yes." I responded, looking out the window.

The radio begin playing a song that fit my mood right about now. Natasha Mosley's Kiss Goodbye was flowing through my ears and I was listening to every single lyric.

I remember one day Tamir and I was laying in my bed. We had just got home from school and I didn't want him to go home so I asked him to stay a while. I remember that day so vividly because it was a day we genuinely enjoyed each other presence. Don't get me wrong, we always enjoyed each other presences, but that day was different.

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