Chapter Sixteen : "Steal Her Soul."

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Tamir Bryant

2016. Made it to another year. It's funny how every time a new year comes around everybody starts claiming that year. Why wait until a new year begin when you could have been got your stuff together? I don't know. I just feel like you shouldn't have to wait until a new year to start doing something.

I didn't have a new year resolution or anything in that sort. I never do. My main goal is to make it out of high school and get my mother out of jail, but how is a teenager supposed to accomplish that with a minimum wage paying job? Of course I could go to 12tH Street and start selling drugs but that's not the wave for me as of now.

I spent New Years at 12tH's house with Zoe along with everybody else. We did some underage drinking along with popping a few fireworks and just having a cool little time. I was able to push my problems to the back of me and have fun with Zoe's hyper ass. I have to remind myself to never let her drink Hennessey and Smirnoff again.

That was last month. It was now February, getting closer and closer to graduation my nigga. Class of '16 have been meeting up almost every weekend to make sure we got everything situated out before graduation. We were planning on taking a senior trip to Georgia this spring break. We also plan to do an unexpected senior prank sometime this month.

You already know class of 2016 is the best of them all!

"Aight, so check this out. We throw a foam party. Have the hallways filled with foam and shit like that." Ty walked behind me as I took a seat at one of the lunch tables with my plate.

"Yo, that's actually kind of a cool idea. Run that by tonight at the meeting." I looked up from my plate to see Zoë making her way over to the table we were at with her bookbag hanging off one shoulder.

"Hey y'all," she spoke to the both of us before diverting her attention on me. "Tell me why Mrs. Wallington gave me a fucking 70 on her test."

"Yo, she gave me a 65, bro." Ty butted in.

"My point exactly and I know we got them answers correct."

"How y'all cheat and got those kind of grades?" I chuckled, taking a sip from my Powerade.

"Man whatever. I'm not asking you for answers anymore, Ty." She took a seat beside me before taking the cup of grapes off my plate and eating them.

"Nah, that was Nyck fault. Just going to have to stick with Quizlet."

I shook my head as they begin talking more about the test that they didn't do well on. This was going to be the topic of the day, especially since it was getting closer to the end of the year. They didn't need to fail any tests if they wanted to keep their grades up, but on the bright side, it's not a class that they need in order to graduate.

"We need to go to one of them elementary today. I know they having a cool ass Valentine's Day party." Ty said with a chuckle.

"On baby," I laughed, remembering Valentine's Day in elementary. "Always came home with some snacks."

Speaking of Valentine's Day, which is Sunday, I plan on making Zoë's Valentine's Day real special since she has never had one and plus she's my little baby that deserves it. I already ran my plan by her mother along with Deia and Averi since I'm going to be needing their help.

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