Chapter Twelve : "This Thing Called Life."

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Tamir Bryant

When you become a senior, you realize more than you ever realized throughout all of the years you've been going to school. Them homies from middle school aren't even your homies now. Went from skipping classes with them to not even acknowledging their presence.

As they all say, you find out who your real homies are in high school. I never really gave a shit about having friends because I cut everybody off like weeks after we meet. Vibe just doesn't be there so I'm not about to force that shit.

Second semester was finally coming around which meant we were getting closer to graduation. I'm so ready to get out of this bitch and get the hell up out of Mississippi.

"Look, Zo that shit don't even make sense to me." I blew out a breath and leaned back in the chair. "And get me off pause."

"Listen, all you have to do is use key terms and you'll be fine." She appeared back on the screen in her bonnet which made me chuckle.

"There's two hundred vocabulary words. There's no way I'm able to use key terms or even get any of this shit correct. Fuck that exam."

Christmas break was approaching which meant end of semester exams. I'm pissed at the fact I had all good grades but couldn't get exempt.

"Well, you shouldn't have gotten suspended and you could have been exempted." She referred to the time I got suspended for skipping class.

"Whatever. You coming over tomorrow to help me with this?"

"Yes. What time do you get off?" She pulled the cover over her shoulder. I already knew she was ready to take it in.

"Five, but go ahead and take it in. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Alright, goodnight."

"Goodnight, nose." She playfully rolled her eyes before ending the call. I chuckled and looked at the clock to see what time it was.

12tH Street let out a laugh from behind me which caused me to swirl around in the chair. He held a small smile on his face, making me already know what he was referring to.

"The little couple, how cute." He teased, nudging my shoulder with the gun that was located in his right hand.

"One eighty seven?" I asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Yeah, you down?"

"No. I'm about to head home." I stood up from the chair as I gathered my work.

"C'mon Ace. It's not even going to take long."

"Who all going?" I scratched the back of my neck.

"Cut, North, and Krit." He responded as he tucked the gun into his waistband.

After a good minute of deciding rather or not I wanted to attend, I gave in and ended up getting into the backseat of 12tH's old, four door, deuce and a quarter.

The car was filled with smoke and laughter while we cruised around for a good little minute. 12tH was driving while Krit was in the passenger seat. I was in the middle while Cutthroat was on my left and North was on my right.

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