Chapter Eight : "Find Out."

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Tamir Bryant

Travis decided to sit me down and go over his house rules. The fact he did that was funny and uncalled for. I wasn't really listening to him because I never do. What's the reason?

While he was talking, I was too worried about what I was going to eat when I got out of school.

"Is your dumb ass even listening to me?" He cut me out of my thoughts.

"Bruh, yeah. Are you done? I do have this thing called school to attend to."

He stared at me before finishing what he had to say.

"Take my car one more time and that's gone be your ass."

"Aight, man. Whatever." I stood up front the couch and walked out the house.

I checked my phone to see I had only ten minutes to get to school on time. I decided on taking the short cut which would get me there in about five minutes. I'll have a little time to socialize before I have to get to home room.

"Yo, bitch. What you fly?" Ty greeted me with a handshake as soon as he saw me.

"History project. Where Nyck at?" I looked around the front area of the high school where the kids were crowded at.

"Went to find Averi. So that's why y'all dressed up? Look at y'all." He teased, dusting off my shoulder. I chuckled just when the bell to go to home room rung.

"I'ma catch up with you later on."

"Aight, lil boy." Ty responded before turning around to go down the hall.

I started walking towards my home room class, passing by someone that looked familiar. I noticed Zoë not dressed in her usual comfy way.

This time she was dressed more girly. My eyes widen at how beautiful she looked. She was dressed in a off the shoulder, stripped dress that stopped knee high along with some knee high boots.

Her hair was straighten and stopped at the middle of her lower back. Her walk was coming more and more attractive to me the more I saw her.

Something was telling me that I was feeling Zoë, but I don't want her to find out. Well, not just yet. I want to be sure that I'm feeling her enough to tell her.


The class I've been waiting for had finally approached. The whole class was filled with students dressed to impress since we were having a special guest visiting us today.

Zoë happily skipped over to me and gave me a hug. That shocked the hell out of me to see her so hype and the hug.

"You happy because?" I chuckled, hugging her back.

"Because a professor from the college I want to attend is here." She clasped her hands together and looked at me.

"Pause. Tamir," she covered her face with her hands. "You look handsome. Didn't know you had it in you."

"Told yo weird shaped nose ass," I laughed. "And you look not so bad."

"Oh whatever. I'll take that as a compliment though." She took her seat beside me.

These last three weeks have been actually quite interesting. I'll learn a little bit about Zoë but not a lot. I've told her little stuff about me as well but nothing too major.

When you look past her meanness, she's a cool ass female.

Around this time, I needed my mother here to talk to me about these feelings that I've been developing. She's the one that help me through this shit.

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