Chapter Twenty-Four : "Favorite Girl [2]."

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part two.

Tamir Bryant

There's a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. There's also a difference between lust and love. I've figured out I love Alexus because she was always there for and I had a strong sexual desire for her.

I was never in love with her because we didn't get to that stage. Don't get me wrong I didn't just love Alexus for the sex. I love her because she was my motivational help. She was there for me when no one was and I can never forget that.

But as for Zoë, I'm in love. In fucking love with shorty. I hope this shit is vice versa.

"It's a party. It's a party. It's a party." Zoë yelled along to the lyrics to Grove St.

We had just left an after-prom party. It was hype until someone got into a fight which caused the police to shut the party down. Zoë was a little tipsy, but I wasn't. She was still hype from the party which I knew wasn't going to wear off quick.

"I step up in the club, rolling on that loud shit. My weed keep your security saying be quiet." I burst out in laughter hearing her say 'shh' after quiet.

"Bro, what the hell?" I calmed down my laughter some, slowing down at a red light.

"Stop laughing at me." She laughed along with me and I glanced over at her. She fixed her crop top that she changed into before we went to the party and looked up.

"I just got me a new nigga. Got my last one mad. I'on know why. I'm just cooling, bitch. I'on want yo' ass." She got extra hype to the next song that came on.

"Yeah, that's enough music for tonight." I turned the radio off and started driving in silence. She was silent as well until she decided to talk.

"Can I spend the night with you?" She asked, before looking over at me. I looked over at her then back at the road before responding.

"Your mama allow that?"

"No, but I'll say I'm with Deia."

"Alright then, sure." She started smiling which caused me to smile. "You hungry?"

"Nah. I took all of their food at the party. That shit was slamming too."

"I'm surprised Keesha had all that food. She usually don't."

"How do you know her?"

"Summer school." I responded truthfully. Zoë nod her head before laying her head on the window.

I texted Travis to see if he was at home. He replied saying he wouldn't be back home until Monday. Perfect because Zoë wasn't about to stay there if he were at the house.

I honestly feel like opening up to my baby. Hopefully, she's down to hear what I'm going through.

× × ×

Never in my life since I've started having sex, have my heart race seeing a girl almost naked. I've realized this wasn't just any ole girl. This was a girl that I care about dearly.

I stared at her in admiration, licking over my bottom lip some. I could tell she was insecure because she was trying to hid her scars. She had many scars on her body. I've learn some are from surgery and some are natural scars.

"You're about to make me cry, baby. You're so beautiful." I sniffed, fanning my eyes.

"Oh please. I'm not even beautiful." She mumbled as she put on one of my shirts.

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