Chapter Eleven : "Read Your Mind."

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Zoë Elliot

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Zoë Elliot

The basketball twirled around the goal until it finally went into the goal. I let out an exhausted sigh before putting my hands on my knees.

I watch the basketball connect with the ground a couple of times until it eventually stopped a few feet from where I was located. I leaned back up and limped over to it, scooping it up with my right hand.

For someone who just had surgery three and a half weeks ago, my healing process was going well. The doctor said the reason why I was healing so fast because my bone was almost done healing before the plate broke.

I pulled my hood over my head and pulled the strings down on my hoodie. I dribbled the ball a few times. I aimed for the goal before tossing the ball.

Missed. The ball fell down and hit one of the garbage cans. I let out another sigh and decided to just head on back into the house.

I collapsed onto the couch, feeling relieved. I tucked in my bottom lip as I pulled my leg up some to bend it the little amount I can bend it.

I was being very independent during this healing process. I decided to not use any crutches or walker and not have anyone help me around. I made sure my mother tend to work when she had to instead of trying to stay at home to take care of me.

The ringing of the doorbell caused me to groaned. I carefully got up from the couch and made my way over to the door to look through the peephole. I noticed it was my brother and opened the door.

He smiled at me and gave me a hug until three of his boys pushed him out of the way to come into the house. I realized it was 12tH Street, Cutthroat, and Lil North.

Cutthroat is actually our cousin. He moved here from Michigan a few years back due to some trouble he had got into. He's the same age as Javeer. If you know the definition of cutthroat then you'll understand why that's his name.

Lil North is a fifteen year old bad ass little boy. He's 12tH's little brother. He's been in trouble since he was twelve, but he was a very smart little guy.

They all greeted me with a different greeting before 12tH Street took it upon himself to go raid the kitchen.

"We came over here because I need to take a shower. 12tH bitch ass ain't pay the water bill at the trap." Javeer removed his hood from over his head.

"Bitch, it was your turn to pay. Don't come at me like that." 12tH yelled from the kitchen.

Javeer ignored him and made his way to the bathroom. I chuckled and limped over to sit beside Lil North. I glanced at Cutthroat who was slouching down on the couch while he was talking on the phone.

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