Chapter Nine : "Worth It."

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Zoë Elliot

I let out a loud, piercing scream as tears started to form in my eyes. I rolled over in the bed, feeling my knees stiffen up that caused utterly amount of pain.

"Mommy!" I screamed once again hearing footsteps running down the hall. She soon burst into my door, coming to my rescue.

"What's wrong, baby?" She immediately panicked, seeing that I was in tears.

"It hurts. My legs are hurting so bad, Momma." I sniffed, not able to control the tears that were steady coming down my face.

"Okay. Let me slip on some shoes so I can take you to the hospital." She rushed out my room and went into hers.

I felt my joints grow even more stiffer. I closed my eyes and felt the salty liquid on my lips.

My mother soon returned into my room. She put some socks on my feet before picking me up and carefully carried me to the car. She helped me into the backseat and went back into the house to grab whatever else she needed.

It wasn't long before she dashed out our garage with her emergency lights on. She reached in the back for my hand. I gladly took it as she steered with her left and held onto my right hand with her right hand.

"We're almost there, Zo." She reassured me while I wiped my face.

It didn't take long for her to pull up in front of the hospital. She let go of my hand and rushed into the hospital. I already know she demanded a doctor.

A nurse came out shortly with a wheelchair to help me out the car. She carefully rolled me into the hospital and straight to the back to be put in a room.

I was surprised a doctor came in as fast as this one did. He sanitized his hands and immediately started answering me questions.

I figured he remembered me from a previous visits because he said he knew this day was coming.

"We might had to direct her over to the Children's Hospital for emergency surgery." The words I was hoping that wouldn't slip out his mouth did.

While they got everything sorted out, I was too busy caught up in my thoughts.

Flashbacks of my previous surgeries started haunting me. The days I thought I was about to die and wanted to die. Pain got so unbearable that all I could do was cry and wish for better days.

No one really understand what all I've been through since I was two.

If only I would have gotten the surgery when I was younger, I wouldn't have to go through all of this.

"I'm scared. What if something goes wrong and I won't be able to walk ever again." I sat up in the bed while my mother sat beside me.

I was referred to the Children's Doctor across the street. Although I am eighteen, I'm somehow able to see my old doctor for this emergency surgery.

"You're going to be fine, baby. Don't even have that thought in your mind." She cupped my face with her hands.

"Is that my Zoë bear?" My doctor for the last decade, Dr. Philip greeted with his hand over his mouth.

"It's me." I smiled, happy to see him.

"You have grown up on me." He smiled, removing the blanket from over my legs.

He fixed his gloves before grabbing the sharpie from his pocket. He removed the top from the sharpie and placed x's on my legs to let them know where to cut.

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