Chapter Six : "Reason."

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Zoë Elliot

The iPhone ringtone sounded off in my room which cause me to let out a breath. I removed my hair out of my face and lift up to grab my phone off my night stand.

I answered the call from Javeer and put the phone up to my ear.

"Come outside, I need to talk to you." He greeted.

"Give me ten minutes."

"The fuck? Just come here." He said before he hung up the phone.

I let out a loud sigh and pushed my legs from under my comforter. I stood to my feet and left out my room to go to the bathroom.

I quickly use the bathroom along with washing my face and brushing my teeth before going outside to see what Javeer wanted. He was seated on top of his black 64 Impala while looking at his phone.

I slipped my hands in my jacket pockets and walked up to him. He noticed me and locked his phone.

"Man, so you wasn't goin' to let me know that Deia's in town?" He said as soon as he noticed me.

"I was going to. How did you find out?"

"I ran into her at the store."

"Did your heart fly out your ass?" I teased just a little.


"Oh please."

"Aight, only because I haven't saw her in a while and wasn't expectin' her to be here." He reassured which made me chuckle.

"Still love her, huh?" I smiled, already knowing the answer.

"Never stopped."

"Well, what are y'all waiting for to get back together?"

"Zo, relationships aren't as easy as you think they should. We tried that shit before but it ended too soon."

"It's not like y'all can't try again. Y'all were so adorable together."

He tucked in his bottom lip as he looked up at the sky. I didn't want to force it, but I wanted them back together. I wanted her to help him bring himself back to a whole again.

"Sis, you just don't get it."

"Listen, Javeer I do get it. I might not know anything about relationships but I do know in order for a real ass relationship to be great then y'all need a little time from each other. A breakup can help a relationship."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in order for you to better your relationship, you should part your ways at least once. Things happen in a relationship, I'm aware of that but the thing is, it happens for a reason.

The reason behind Javeer and Deia's breakup was to let them know that they're actually meant for each other.

But you can't get shit through their thick ass skulls. Fucking idiots.

"When it all dies down, you'll be with Deia."

"Any fuckin' way," he said as he walked around the car to the driver's side. "Tell Duke if he ever whisper in your ear again, I'll break his esophagus."

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