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Allow me to introduce two different people who fell in love....

      Tamir Ace Bryant, a teenager who've never had a normal life since his mother has been incarcerated. He's tried his best to stay away from his abusive father until one day. That one day changed his life for good.

He went to jail for almost five months and came out strong. He tried to succeed on living on his own, but due to financial problems, he turned to selling drugs, becoming Mississippi's most wealthiest and known kingpin.

Now that he's basically rich and got his priorities straighten out, what will he do with his money?

      Zoë Shiloh Elliot, a teenager who never really experienced being a teenager until she met her first love. He taught her how to live life and just have fun. Everything was going well until her lover was sent to jail and she moved away. Her new surroundings and lack of communication from her lover caused her to become a whole different person.

   Now both living separate lives, they had to learn how to accept the unwanted relationship. You know it's true what they say, what's meant to be will always come back.

  But maybe they weren't meant to be.

      "Shit happens everyday, bro. Might as well forget about it." - 12tH.S.


yes there will be a second book. you know i can't leave y'all hanging. be on the look out for i need you. | raritheplanet ™

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