Chapter Two : "A Crip's Sister."

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Zoë Shiloh Elliot

The magazine was deposited from the unloaded gun into my non dominant hand. I reloaded up the magazine with the correct amount of rounds before inserting it back into its original spot.

I pulled the slide back, cocking the gun. I tucked in my bottom lip as I aimed for the red angle that was in the middle of the poster.

The gun fired off, sending chills down my spine. This wasn't my first time nor last time shooting a gun.

This was an every weekend class for me. I was taught what a normal teenage girl wasn't. Probably the normal girls wouldn't even last in a class with me surrounded by guns, alcohol, drugs, gang bangers, and more.

I wasn't being taught any of this for the fun of it. I was being taught this for my own safety and awareness.

This is what you have to go through when you're a crip's sister.

I lowered the gun from the poster just when my brother, Javeer, walked up to me. He didn't say a word for a while which caused me to look up and over at him. He attention was focused on the poster.

"That was a glock, right?" He asked in a more like demanding tone that I've gotten use to over the years.

"Yeah, third generation."

He nod his head before turning around and walking away. I took my time to unload and clean off the gun. Once I was done, I went over to his safety and deposit it there.

"Aye, pull your shirt up. The fuck, man?" Javeer mumbled at me while I pulled a chair out at the table he was seated at.

I groaned lowly and pulled up my white tank top.

"We got to go to Memphis in a couple of weeks. I need you to do me a favor." He grabbed a pen and paper from the side of the table and started jotting down something.

"Nothing illegal, Javeer."

"You think I'll let you do that? Be smart, Zo. I need you to come over here and check on the house like ever day, I have a package that's suppose to be comin' around the time we leave." He ripped off the piece of paper and handed it to me.

"That's the address I want you to take it to when it delivers."

"What's in the package?"

"Cotton candy." He responded smartly. I smacked my lips and shoved the paper into my back pocket.

He removed himself from the table to go do what he does on a daily. I watched him from a far distance until he noticed me. He closed the door, causing me to blink.

Javeer is the one I was referring to that is a crip. I know most people don't think they're crips in Mississippi but surprisingly, it migrated to the South somehow.

It takes certain qualifications to be in a gang. Throwing up a gang sign is not what you call 'cool' or today's term, lit. If one of the crip's catch you throwing up their gang sign, doing their hand shake, or even talking like them, you're more than likely will get killed.

That's just how they're set up.

Javeer was just released from jail last week. He was taking into custody for having a weapon but they didn't know that, that particular gun was registered and he had a license to carry it.

He was a felon which meant if he tried to get a legal job, he wasn't eligible to do so. My brother tried before but he got frustrated at the fact he wasn't able to change so he just went back to his old ways.

Instead our father turning him away from gang banging and violence, he turned him on to it. This what happens when your family is filled with crips. There's no way out.

But of course, me being the only girl, they want me to go somewhere and do something with my life. They want me to be the first Elliot to do something successful and something worth living for.

But how am I going to establish that when I'm battling with an old disease?

"You've been quiet since you got home. You okay?" My daydreaming was cut short due to my mother's voice and presence in the kitchen.

I cleared my throat and nod my head. She looked at me before putting the two grocery bags on the counter.

"Need any help?"

"No thank you, darling." She smiled and playfully pushed me out of the way. I smiled before backing out of the kitchen to go down the hall to my bedroom.

You ever had a long day but didn't do anything? Like the whole day drained you for no reason? That's exactly how I felt right now.

I wanted to finish applying to colleges with my mother but I went against that. I was tired and I know she was tired from a long day at work.

As I was removing my shirt from my body, I heard a small tap on my window. I frowned and quickly threw on a sleeping shirt before going over to the window.

I noticed it was Javeer. I shook my head and unlocked the window, sliding it up. He smiled widely at me before telling me to move over so he could climb through.

"You couldn't come through the front door?" I placed one hand on my hip, observing him.

"Nah." He mimic me as he took off his shoes.

"I'm leavin' early in the mornin' so your moms won't trip."

"She's doesn't have a problem with you spending the night, you know that." I locked the window back and looked over at him.

"Yeah, you mentioned that before," he grabbed a pillow and hopped on my bed. "Turn on a movie or some."

"Is there a reason you're in Flowood?" I asked, referring to the city I stay in as I turned on the television.

"Did a 187."

"Javeer, really?" I sighed loud enough for him to hear me.

"Shit's life, sis. Might as well forget about it."

The movie finally loaded up just when I was about to say something else. Javeer pulled out his phones and put them on silent. I enjoyed times like these, when we're just hanging out.

I saw potential in my brother. I saw a man that resembled our father. They both are good people just with a crazy life and past. They both tried and I'm proud of them both for trying to turn their lives around.

"Out of all people, you know I tried. I really was tryna let go of all of this, but people don't want to see you doin' right." It was like he was read my mind.

I nod my head and he licked over his bottom lip. He held his hand out which was signal for me to do our handshake. He chuckled and smiled at me.

"Give me a hug, Zoë." He called me by my first name which he rarely did. I smiled and leaned over to hug him. I felt his glock pressing against my rib. I cringed and leaned back up.

Does anyone make it out of the game alive? I hope those happy ending, make believe shit comes true for this family.

The game was all fun until you lose someone dearly to you and I wasn't trying to have another brother in jail or dead.

That's not the vision. I pray my brother along with the guys I call brothers find a way out.

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