Chapter Thirteen : "No Way Out."

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Zoë Elliot

Growing up as the only child, I never really experienced having a sibling in the same household as I. I have two brothers on my father's side, Javeer and Keenan, who was shot and killed the day after he was released from prison.

He was the oldest out of all of us and the one who's been in the game the longest. I was never and still isn't, fond on my brothers' behavior or my father's. But when your whole family affiliated with that, it seems like there's no way out.

"Nah, Jackson State is out. I heard motherfuckers got diseases there." Javeer shook his head. We were sitting in the kitchen looking through colleges for me to apply to.

"For real? Well, how about Alcorn State?"

"Why you trying to stay in the sip? I want you to go out of state for college. You know ain't shit here so you might as well get out here."

"I wanted to stay closer to you and my mother." I minimized the Google website on my laptop.

"We gone be good and always be here. Got to think about yourself now, Zo."

He was right. I've always wanted to go to Spelman in Atlanta, Georgia but I've rethought that because of my mother and brother.

I took what he said into consideration. I already applied to Spelman a few weeks back just to see if I'll get accepted. Now I just have to wait.

"Hey, I have a question for you?"


"What will honestly make you stop gang banging and living the life you're living now?"

He looked up at me before licking over his bottom lip. He leaned up from the chair and placed his elbows on the kitchen table.

"Having a child with Deia."

I widen my eyes at his response. I wasn't expecting an answer anywhere near that. I wonder does Deia know about this?

"Wow. That would be wonderful," I smiled. "How are y'all by the way?"

"We're good. I'm slowly trying to leave this lifestyle but I got to get my money back up first. It's gonna take a while but eventually I'ma get out this shit."

"Alright. I got faith in you, always."

"Appreciate that shit, sis."

Just imagining Javeer as a father is something I really can't imagine but I know for a fact he'll be a great one.

"By the way, I know you and Ace dating. Finally gave a nigga a chance, huh?"

"Wait, how you know? I haven't told anyone."

"I'm Krit, remember, but listen all jokes aside, don't open your legs. Buddy straight and all, but that fucking shit isn't something I want you doing right now."

Sex? Oh no, that's a little too much for me right now.

"Now you know I'm not down with all of that." I reassured that.

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