Chapter Nineteen : "Steal His Soul."

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(don't forget to read the previous chapter.)

Zoë Elliot

12tH decided to pick me up from my house this afternoon. Says he wanted to chill with me since he haven't did that in a while. That was perfect, because I needed to catch up on his life and how he's doing.

It's cool being friends with older guys because they'll inform you on a lot. I've learn so much from them. It's all cool until they start liking you, like Kill and Moe, who Javeer told me not to hang out with.

"Ohh, she think I'm cute. She wanna have sex," 12tH begin singing while standing in front of the counter, grinding up some weed. "Which girl I'ma fuck next?"

I chuckled and shook my head as I begin going through his pantry. I grabbed a few things that I wanted before closing the pantry's door.

"Are you still single?" I asked, sitting at the kitchen table.

"Yes ma'am." He opened up a Backwood. "Speaking of that, I have to tell you about this shorty I fucked last weekend. Well, I didn't really fuck."

"Oh no. You know I don't like to hear anything about that." I shook my head and open up my bottle of water.

"Nah, listen because it was one of your associates."

I begin thinking and then it hit me. It was more than likely Skye, a girl in my English class. She's been trying to get on 12tH since last year.


"Yeah. Man, why didn't you tell me her pussy stinks?"

I choked on my water and begin coughing. I then started laughing which made him shake his head.

"That's some foul shit, Zo."

"No, 12tH I didn't know," I laughed a little too hard. "I can't believe this. You still fucked?"

"Hell nah. I told her I wasn't even horny anymore. Dick got soft so quick."

I screamed a laughter then covered my mouth. I was finding all of this funny but he was so serious. At this point I had tears rolling down my face.

"Man, you ain't shit." He chuckled, sitting in front of me. He tried passing the lit blunt to me but I declined. He shrugged, putting it back to his lips.

"She wanted you so bad. You're all she use to ask about."

"I got that affect on females." He blew out smoke and smiled.

"Oh whatever," I chuckled. "I got a girl for you though."

"Nope. I'm not fucking with you."

"No, she's better than Skye. I promise." I watch him tap the end of his blunt on the ashtray.

"What's her name?"

"Essence." I responded, hearing him cough.


"Yes. You know her?"

"Nah, I just know she's quiet. How you know her?"

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