Chapter Ten : "Behind Closed Doors."

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Tamir Bryant

Ever got scared to be around someone because they were doing something that turns them into a demon?

A demon that you feel like is out to kill you even though that's your own blood. I learned that just because you're blood doesn't stop them from harming you.

Shit, it's real out here and no one understands what goes on behind closed doors. Some shit you just have to keep to yourself even though it's hurting you... intensely.

Every since my mother was sent to jail, my life been going downhill. Most people say I have so much anger built up inside of me which I disagree.

I'm not angry at anything or anyone. I just have a nonchalant, mean demeanor that I guess make folks think I'm angry about something.

I slipped my hood on my head just when I saw someone I've been trying to find for the last two days, Averi Graham.

"Aye, Averi." I jogged up to her while she was getting her books out her locker.

"Oh. Hi, Tamir."

"Wassup, um do you know where Zoë's at? I haven't seen her in a few weeks."

"I forgot she didn't tell you." She responded which made me furrow my eyebrows.

"Tell me what?"

"She had surgery on her leg. She won't be returning until she's healed."

I licked over my bottom lip before twisting my lips up. I remember her telling me she might have to have an emergency surgery because it hurts her to walk but I didn't know it was going to be this soon.

"What hospital she's at?"

"The children's one. You'll have to ask them her room number because they changed her room. Don't tell her I told you though." She said before she walked off.

I kept the location in mind and made my way to my last period class. I already knew Zoë was going to be flowing throw my mind until I was able to see her.

It's just crazy how she had to go through this surgery again. I've researched the disease she was diagnosed with the same day she told me.

This disease real life can fuck your life up.

My last period was cut short due to me sneaking out. I couldn't concentrate so I decided to go ahead and leave.

I traveled back home just to steal Travis' car. He was out working so he wasn't going to be using it anyway.

I made my way to a local gift shop to buy something for Zoë before making my way to the hospital. It kind of didn't surprised me that she didn't tell me she was having surgery.

I wanted to let her know that I've developed some feelings for her but like I mentioned before, I'm tired of making the first move.

I picked out a little bear along with a couple of balloons for her. I picked out a corny get well soon car and signed my name on it.

The hospital receptionist was kind enough to lead me down the hall to her room. I thanked her and wait till she walked off to walk into the room.

Zoë was sitting up in her bed while she worked on some school work. I'm guessing she didn't notice me come in because she didn't hold her head up.

"Still manage to get your work done, huh?" I smiled lowly once she finally noticed me.

"Tamir? How-"

"Why you didn't tell me, Zo? I thought we developed a friendship."

"We did. It's just things I don't tell everyone." She mumbled while her eyes traveled to the gifts I was holding.

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