Chapter 10

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||Molly POV||

I'm so nervous about this date! Harvey is so cute and amazing that i don't wanna ruin this! I ask Ana some advice, "Have you ever been on a date?" She turns pink and sheepishly says, "Yes.....its been 2 years since i have. Why did you ask?" I ask her how awkward is a first date usually. She starts to laugh explaining that it's not awkward if you really like the person, if your forced to date someone... it's very awkward! We talked for a while then when Em got out of the bathroom, i went in to get ready.

||Emily POV||

As i got out of the bathroom, Molly went in to get ready. I was super excited for this date! I heard a ringing tone and it was Ana's phone. It was Troy calling her. I answered it while she was changing in her room. Our conversation went like this:
Me: Hello
T: Hi Ana
Me: it's actually Emily, Um...Ana's busy getting ready. Do you want me to tell her something?
T: Sure! Tell her that i'm gonna take her to the movies and to Starbucks after. Also do you know what her favorite flowers are?
Me: Yes i do know. She loves hibiscus and lilys! i'll tell her about your plans!
T: Thank you so much, i owe you one. Bye
Me: Bye!!!

||Ana's POV||

When i finished getting ready, i got out of my room seeing Emily putting down my phone. I asked her, "What were you doing with my phone?" She laughed and said Troy called me and said that we were going to Starbucks and to the movies! I started to turn red as she talked about him. Emily said, "When Molly is done getting ready, Can you drive us to the cafe?" i smiled saying sure.

||Emily POV||

Molly finished getting ready and we got into Ana's car! While driving, we all spilled out how excited and nervous we were. Once we parked at the cafe, Ana said, "I'm gonna come in with you to say hi to Max and Harvey!" As we go out of the car, we saw Max and Harvey sitting at a table outside the cafe. Harvey looked up and poked Max. They stood up, looking at us.

||Molly POV||

As Harvey and Max looked up at us, we were silent for a while. To break the silence, Ana said, "Hey Max! Harvey!" They looked at her, smiling. "Hi sis! You and your cousins look nice!" said Harvey. All 3 of them laughed while Em and I stood there awkwardly! Ana said to Emily and me, "Okay, i'll come back in 2 hours! Have fun!" Molly and I said bye to Ana. Max and Harvey said, "BYE SIS! Have fun with Troy!" She shot them a glare and quietly laughed.

||Ana POV||

I drove to the movies and waited inside for Troy. After waiting 3 minutes, I saw Troy and he looked so cute. He was wearing a blue and black flannel with a white tee shirt. He also was wearing dark jeans, black converse and in his hands were a bouquet of lily flowers! Those are one of my favorite flowers! He came to me, looking at me up and down several times and gave me the flowers. i smiled but then asked, "Is my outfit okay?..." He nodded and said, "Your beautiful." I gave him a quick hug, put the flowers in my car, then went in the movie theater to watch Suicide Squad.

||Emily POV||

As Max, Harvey, Molly and I sat down at the table, we ordered some drinks. I ordered a Chocolate Milk Iced Mocha. Max and Harvey both ordered a Pumpkin Spiced Latte. Molly ordered a Caramel Macchiato and a small chocolate muffin for her and Harvey to share. So far, this date was going great.

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