Part 5-confrentation

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When Alexander found room 19 he pounded on the door.  There was a grumbling and some shuffling from inside and a man that looked oddly like John opens the door.  before the man had any chance to grumble out a 'whadda want', Alexander punched him square in the jaw.  The man stumbled back,

"That's what you get you son of a bitch, for abusing my John" Alex said rubbing his knuckles.  Before he could realize what's happening Henry lunged at him knocking him off his feet.

"You're Alexander!" He cried.  A dumbfounded Alexander look up at him

"Y-yeah, and you're the man who's causing my boyfriend so much pain". He spat out the word boyfriend to rub it in Henry's face. As Alexander claimed to his feet the other man punched him in stomach saying

"That stupid boy said he had left you, I'm gonna have to have a talk with that f*g about lying to adult".  Alexander began to stand again, but to no avail because Henry can at him beating him to a pulp. Suddenly everything went black for Alexander.
John had been waiting patiently for Alex to get back, but it had been an hour and a half and he still wasn't home.  John had tried to call Alexander's cell but it went straight to voice mail.  All of the sudden his cell phone rang.  John leaped at it hoping it was Alex, instead it was an new number.
"H-hello, who-" the person on the other end cut him off with
"Is this mister John Laurens?" The voice sounded formal yet worried.
"Y-yes, can I ask why?"
"This is NYC hospital, you were the on a mister A. Hamilton's emergency contacts, we have him stabilized, but if you could please come down to sign some paperwork please." That sentence shocked John,
"Yes, of course" he hung up the phone.

The car was gone from the garage, so maybe Alex had gotten into a crash he thought.  John walked out into the cold New York air and hailed a taxi. 
"NY hospital please" he said to the driver.  The drive was long and silent.  Usually when he travels in a taxi it was with Alexander, they would joke and awkwardly touch hand a few times.  Maybe he was bad luck and if he was happy things could never be right, John thought about himself.

When they pulled up in front of the hospital john paid the driver and sprinted to the reception desk.
"I'm h-here for Alexander, uh Hamilton" he said almost out of breath. The lady clicked he key board and said,
"Room 174, up the hall trough the doors and then make a left" she said.  John took off tuning he couldn't stand another second of being without Alexander.
When he go tot he room there was a doctor checking his vitals.  John stood I. The door frame, Alexander was arguing with the doctor that he was fine, and that he was good to go.
The doctor was the first to see John, he he motioned for John to come over.  Alexander spun his head around and started crying at the sight of the wiry boy standing in the door frame .
The doctor put a hand John's shoulder on the way out,
"I'll be back in an hour, I'll let him explain" the doctor said quietly to John. 
"I PROMISE IM FINE JOHN" Alex started, John could tell he was headed for a rant, so he softly sat on the bed next to Alex.
"So I was gonna get food-, acctuly that's a lie.  I found-" john cut him off by cupping Alexander's face in his hands. He looked him up and down.
"John I'm really fine they said minor concussion and a fracture bone in my nose, that's it besides the fat lip and black eye!"  John sighed.
"W-what happened, who did this?" John said  in a shaken tone. Alexander looked at the ground not wanting to answer,
"Your father" he said.  John jumped back.
"I-I told you I had it under control why, how, what have you done!" Alexander placed his and in John's who pulled away.
"Let me explain.  So I found a letter in your dresser that said that he was in town so I went to the different motels before I found him.  I hit him in the jaw once, told him to leave you alone but he attack me, and the I passed out". 

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