Part 10- Monday

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When Alexander woke up John was sleeping peacefully besides him. He climbed out of bed making his was to his own, deserted bedroom. Alexander had been sleeping in Johns room every night since he got home from the hospital, witch felt like years ago. His room had cobwebs forming in the corners and his bed sheet's were unmade and cold. Alexander opens his closet pulling out one pf his work suits. It was an deep emerald color, John always said it made his eye's pop. He changed into it, throwing his dirty cloths to the ground. Alexander slipped out the door leaving a steaming cup of coffee and a bagel on the table in the hopes John would find it while it was still warm.

Alexander always drove to work, so he made his way downstairs. On the way he saw the coffee Attendant from the morning before, she looked tired and disgruntled as he waved and smiled. Alexander worked at a law firm on the other side of town, he worked for an army vet named Gorge Washington, who, was more like a father than boss.

Alexander loved his job, he got to build cases and write all day, with the acceptation of running a few errands for his superiors as well. On one of these such errands Alexander ran into Aaron Burr.

"Hello mister homo" Aaron said jokingly, Alexander rolled his eyes. Unlike popular belief, Alexander And Aaron were actually pretty good friends, neither of them had done anything specifically to piss one another off too bad.

"How's Theodsia?" Alexander asked.

"Both mother and child are home resting" Aaron said, filled with pride. Aaron had accidentally knocked up is girlfriend, but if anything it had brought them closer, and they were due to be married in December.

"A reliable family is nice, you should try it some time Alex" Aaron said. Alexander laughed, thinking about John and if he had found the bagel and coffee.

"I've got something pretty good going, thanks. Also tell Theo I say hi!" Alexander said turning to leave.

Back at his desk Alexander pulled out his phone to text John.

TO JOHN: I hope you found what i left you ;)

FROM JOHN: yeah :)

FROM JOHN: thank's love u bbg

Alexander thought it was slightly vague, but brushed it off thinking that he was probably buys at work, It was Starbucks at 9:30 on a Monday.

The day flew by and as soon as he knew it Alexander was in his car headed home. He flipped on the radio listening to his and Johns favorite station where they played the after work comedy program. When he pulled into the driveway he pulled the key out and slid out the door with is coat and bag in his arms. Alexander saw the same attendant from the morning before and went to go talk to her.

"Hey I'm Alex, I know it's awkward, since you found me and my boyfriend passed out on the roof but you looked like a nice girl and i wanted to to say hi since see you around a lot." Alexander was rapid fire talking and never got a good look at the girls face, but when she look up at him he realized it was Maria Reynolds.

"Oh my god its you" He quickly muttered. Maria Rolled her eye's

"I'm sorry you guys hate me for shit Thomas did, but it's nice seeing you like a normal person." Alexander was not one to usually give second chances, but he really did believe he.

"I'm sorry, I want to get to know nice Maria from the apartment coffee stand. Do you want to come upstairs, John wont be home for a while?" Alexander offers. Se shook her head

"Nah, I've got to get home and shower, but call me if you wan to get a drink some time" Maria said putting scarp of paper in his hand and walking off too her car. Alexander walked up the stairs to his Apartment and unlocked the door, when he waked in side it was empty and freezing. This was the normal since John picked up a second job to make some extra money. Alexander closed the door and set his stuff on the counter. He walked over to the couch sitting down and opening his laptop. He typed and typed and typed, for what seemed like minuets.

When Alexander heard the door handle rattling he checked the clock it was 8:30, he had been working for three hours and forgot to make dinner for him and John. Suddenly John burst in, he looked pale and thinner, the had dark circles under his eye's and dark marks on his neck and face. Alexander stood up and started his apologies about dinner, he walked over to a brittle John to see what was the matter. Alexander cupped the side of Johns face in his palm, therapeutically rubbing John's cheek with his thumbs.

"Alexander" John choked out. "w-we need to break up, I-I don't l-lo-lov-love you, I c-cant" John sounded like an elementary student reciting play lines and stumbling over every word. Alexander jerked his hand back,

"John, not funny, what wrong , please tell me!" John stood there silent looking past Alexander. "JOHN! Last night you were fine , WHAT'S WRONG!" Alexander was shouting now. tears welled in John's eye's as he threw his key's to the ground rushing out the door. Alexander followed him,

"John! John! I know you can hear me! come back! please, lets talk about this!" Alexander shouted after him. They had both only been doing a fast walk, but John slowly sped to a run as he went down the stairs and out the door. Alexander stopped in the main doors of the apartment building, John was gone from his sight. Alexander turned around and headed back up to his apartment. when he got there the door was still open and John's set of keys were still lying on thee ground. Alexander slammed the door closed and kicked the key's across the wooden floor. He sat at the kitchen table, his head in his hand's sobbing. Alexander decided crying wasn't going to find John, so he took out his phone and texted his friend on the group chat.

ALEX to dweebs group chat: John is gone

almost suddenly the chat blew up

ANG to dweebs group chat: WHAT DO YOU MEAN HES GONE

HERC to dweebs group chat: ???

PEGGY to dweebs group chat: WHAT?!?

ALEX to dweebs group chat: I dont know what happened, he just burst into our apartment saying he had to leave me and couldn't love me.

LAFF to dweebs group chat: Do i need to kick some ass?!

ALEX to deweebs group chat: Laff no, i dont know was wrong but it seemed really forced the way he was talking

ELIZA: Ill be over in 5

ALEX: ok :(

Five minuets Eliza was letting herself into the apartment, When she walked in she saw Alexander wrapped up in John's blanket on the couch. She threw her bag down and sat next to Alexander pulling herself into the blanket. Resting her head on Alexander's shoulder she said,

"I've been sleeping with James Madison for three months." they sat there in silence for a while before Alexander broke the silence by saying

"I'm getting drinks with Maria Reynolds some time this week." After Alexander explains in depth what happend with John, they both sat there for the rest of the night mostly in silence, with the occasional sob from Alexander and cooing from Eliza.


Hey y'all do you like the long chapters? Are they long too you? do you care? IDK oh well


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