Part 18-The Ring

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The next morning When Alexander woke up the space next to him as empty.  He sat up holding his head, Alexander had a massive hangover and a throbbing headache.  Alexander pulled himself out of bed and ventured out into the main area.  John was at the oven trying to make Alexanders signature egg's and coffee.

"Good morning sleepy head." John chirped as Alexander walked into the room letting out a loud groan.

"Food?" Alexander asked in a zombie like fashion.  

"Yeah just give me another five minuets." Alexander wondered how John could be so happy on a Wednesday morning.Alexander walks over to the table and sits down in the seat that gets the least light.  He leans back in his chair as John slips egg's and pancakes onto a plate and set's them down in front of Alex.  Alexander shoves an entire over piled fork-full of eggs into his mouth and John sits there eating eating small bites as to not spill on his shirt and tie.

Suddenly Alexander looks up realizing that instead of an old t-shirt and sweat pants, John was wearing on of Alexanders button downs, a tie and a nice pair of jeans.  Alexander smiled,

"You went trough my closet?" he laughed.  John nodded,

"Yeah, I have that final interview today and if all goes well..." Alexander cuts him off with

"Oh my god I almost forgot, your going to be amazing, I mean who couldn't love you!" John smiled at how cute Alex was.  John checked his watch and then grabbed his very own book bag and , he gave Alexander a quick peck on the lips and was off.  Alexander was left with the feeling of being stunned mixed with the pride a parent would feel on their child's first day of school.  He finishes his breakfast took some Advil and got ready for work him self. 

The whole day at work was just painful for Alexander,he couldn't stop thinking about John and his job interview, he had to resist the urge to constantly text John and see how it was going. He also couldn't stop thinking about the ring he was going to buy after work.  When it came time for the daily copier rendezvous with Aaron, Alexander walked in made his copies, hugged Aaron and walked out.  Aaron didn't think much of this, he had gotten used to Alexanders crazy mood swings and impulsive actions, Aaron just shrugged it off and continued with his work.

Alexander watched the clock tick down as he bounced his leg anxiously.  30...29...28...- 2...1...

when the clock hit 5:00 he slammed his laptop shut, disconnected it from the monitor and shoved all his stuff in his bag.  He walked out onto the street and hailed the first taxi that drove by.  He hopped in and gave the address of a jewelry shop down the street from the school where John was right at that moment.  He knew it was risky but he also wanted to be there right when John got out of his interview...starting a routine he thought optimistically.  Alexander rushed in and called the man behind the counter over for help.

"Hello sir, I'm looking for a ring...uh, I'm proposing to my boyfriend." Alexander smiled.  the man waved him over to a smaller section of the store.

"Here we go, oh you know it kind of a coincidence, I had another man come in here the other day looking for a ring for his boyfriend, he too a little ponytail, but i think it was curly." He man waved at his head and laughed.  Alexander froze. " oh my god!" he thought, "what if John bought me a ring, this is great he thinks were going in that direction!"   Alexander was so happy.  

"so" the man said, "what type of ring were you looking for?" Alexander thought for a second.

"Ooh he's actually interviewing to be a teacher right now, and he loves animal, especially turtle's, and he's really bad a cooking and and love's it when we walk down the the Starbucks, oh and... oh wait i'm rambling." Alexander said rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed.  The jeweler smiled polity,

"Actually I think I have the perfect thing for you." he said.  The Jeweler slid the display case open and pulled out a thin rounded silver band.  It had an indent of a finger print and sparkled in the light.  Alexander's face lit up, it was perfect.  Alexander tried to hold back happy tears as he paid and got it boxed up.  He walked out of the store with a small velvet blue box in his jacket pocket. Alexander looked around and saw John standing n the street corner on his phone, waiting for the bus.  Alexander rushed over and gave him a big hug from behind, John jumped and spun around, he looked terrified.  Alexander laughed as John realized it was just him and gave him a kiss on the nose.

"What are you doing in this part of town?" John asked.

"It's actually not far from my work,plus I wanted to get in the habit of picking you up." Alexander answered beaming.

"That's good, because starting tomorrow I will be teaching AP american history to a bunch of 13-year-old's...I'm really gonna need a pick me up." John said trying to hide his smile.  Alexander pick John up and twirled him around in the air,and pulled him into a kiss.  They hailed a taxi and basically made out in the back the whole time.  When they go back up to their apartment they shared a bowl of celebratory ice cream. 

"Ooh, I almost forgot, I have homework!" John said as if he was in middle school again.  Alexander chuckled'

"All right then... you need any help?" Alexander said in a funny yet sexy tone.  John rolled his eye's, 

"No I'm good, but dinner would be great." John smiled.

"I guess from now on Ill be your mom and house wife." Alexander said Jokingly. Alexander gave John alight kiss on the head and then went off to change into much more comfortable cloths. 


YOOOOO I hoped you enjoyed my fluff, also I'm getting around to long chapters again. yay. well that all i have for today---Kaay  


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