Part 25-my shot

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Alexander and John talked to Thomas for a few hours.  Thomas talked about everything he had experienced leading up to his imprisonment, and then his experience in the mental hospital.  By the end of the night John and Alexander were feeling kinda bad for him.

Alexander noticed when John started yawning and resting his head on Alexanders shoulder sleepily.   Alexander gave John a kiss on his head and said

"Lets run and grab coffee" he said to John.  John yawned.

"Can you get it baby, I'm really sleepy." John said.  Alexander looked over at Thomas.  John noticed,

"I'll be fine, I'm perfectly safe." He whispers to Alexander.  Alexander sighed,

"Okay fine, but promise you'll text me every three minutes?" Alexander said playfully.

"Okay sure babe." John replied as Alexander gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Uh, text me your order." Alexander said to Thomas, "I already know yours." He said winking at John.

Alexander raced out of the apartment, he wanted to be gone for as little amount of time as possible.  It scared him leaving John alone with Thomas, he would murder Thomas if he even looked at John the wrong way.

When he got to the small coffee shop that was still open at one in the morning, he groaned at how long the like was.  All the people who works graveyard shits were just about to start, so they needed their kick.  Alexander stood anxiously in line, he rocked back and forth on his feet and jumped when he got the text with Thomas's coffee order.

After he ordered Alexander sat down at a small table and texted John.

To John💕: are you okay?!

From John💕: yeah I'm fine😊

To John💕: thank god

From John💕: geez chill 💩

To John💕: IK I'm sorry I just don't like leaving you alone with him.

From John💕: he's actually changed...I think

To John💕:Okay

From John💕:🙄

To John: ooh gtg coffee's done

Alexander stood up and grabbed the trey.  He took a sip from his and then put it back, he debated spitting in Thomas's, but decided against it because it seemed like John thought he was okay.

Alexander rushed out and down the street.


John had been sitting with Thomas, John told him all about his students and Alex.  He described the breakup and the proposal.  Thomas cracked little jokes here and there too. 

John jumped when he heard what sounded like a gun shot in the distance.

"Probably just a garbage can." Thomas reassured him.  John nodded and continued to tell the story about how it took forever to clean up all the candles because they had melted onto the tables. 

John could hear sirens in the distance, but he was use to that since it was New York City, if anything it soothed him.

Ten minutes after he go the last text from Alex, John texted him again.

To Lex💚😍: hey

To Lex💚😍: where are you?

No reply.  Three minutes later he tried again.

To Lex💚😍: you okay bbg?

Five minutes after that

To Lex💚😍: Lex your scaring me

After another five minutes John went to text Alexander again.  But this time before he could send it Alexander was calling him.

"Oh my god Lex you scared me! Where are you?" John said

"Uh sir this is the NYC hospital, your contact showed up on this John Doe's phone, can you identify him." A husky male voice said. 

John automatically started bawling.

"What do you mean! Where Alexander! Is he okay?" John begged.

"Sir, sir you new to calm down, the man, Alexander? Was shot in the street.  We've managed to get him stable, but he'll need surgery." The man on the other end of the phone was so calm, it angered John.

"His name is Alexander Hamilton, I am his fiancé John Laurens.  I'll be there as soon as I can." John said.

"Okay thank you sir." The man said and then hung up.  Without thinking John shot up and stormed out of the apartment, Thomas followed cautiously behind him.

I'm sorry, I had too ---Kaay

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