Part 8-That weekend pt.1

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After a sunlit breakfast and lots of giggling like school girls John suddenly blurts out,

"I have the perfect plans for today, lets get dresses!" the two boys go and get dressed into cold weather clothes. they walk out of the apartment building hand in hand Alexander resting his head on John's shoulder,

"where are we going?" Alexander asks.

"Every where Lexy!" John replied waving his arm at the vast New York City horizon. Alexander started contently over at John relishing in how amazing his best friend slash boyfriend was.

The two boys walked and taxied all over the city squeezing as much as they could into the day as they could. They took a ferry out to the statue of liberty, and took the stairs to the torch and had fellow new yorker take a cute picture of them kissing on the rail.

Next they walked down to rockefeller center and took a mini tour, and then across the street to where they film Saturday Night Live. Through out the day they also walked through china town and bought some little knick knacks and got lunch, next they taxied to time square and passed the Richard Rogers theater where they were showing the musical bout the founding father Lin-Manuel Miranda. as they passed Alexander pressed his face to the taxi winto saying

"I've lived just down the street and listened to the soundtrack, yet never seen it." he sighed, This gave John lots of good ideas for the next time they wanted to have a special outing.

"Just you wait!" John said reciting a quote from the musical. with that Alexander gleefully warped his arms around John giving him a kiss on the nose. They got to time square and walked around enjoying the lights and getting into mischief with street performers.

When John clicked open his phone he saw multiple messages from and all to familiar, unfamiliar number. He shrugged them off not even reading them just checking the time. it was 8:30 pm, Alexander suggested that they go to a semi-fancy restaurant in little Italy, so off they went.

When they got there John politely asked for a table for two. The waitress led them to a dimly candle-lit table in the front of the restaurant with a big window so they could see out onto the street. When the waitress left them with the menus they both picked them up and started scanning it. When John peeked over the edge of his laminated menu at Alexander who was vigorously reading the pages like he had found a novel he was him love with.

'God he's so cute when he is so concentrated on reading!' John thought. Alexanders blushing face shot up like a spring that had been pressed all the way down, John didn't realize he had said that out loud.

"No, no it's ok baby your adorable too!" Alexander said blushing. He reached out and grabbed Johns hand and they just sat there staring into eachother's eye's until the the waitress came back to take their orders and give them the complimentary glasses of champagne that came with the meal.

"No thanks, i stopped drinking in college." Alexander said politely refusing before she could hand it too him. John took his softly sipping it as Alexander ordered for the two of them.


After dinner they headed back to their apartment complex. Suddenly Alexander pulled Jon's hand so he was facing him.

"Lets have a camp out on the roof!" Alexander said joyfully.

"It's October in New York, I think we'd become popsicles after five minutes!" John replied, sad to crush Alex's dreams.

"No, I checked the other day, they have space heaters and a cover area with couches. Plus we can bring all of our blankets and pillows" Alexander paused "And I think there's another way I know how to keep you warm." he said slyfully. John couldn't say no to this so they rushed up to their apartment gathering all the blankets and pillows they owned.

Luckily for them not many people know the extent of the rooftop lounge. There was a lavish covered area with space heaters and a fire place surround multiple full-sized couches and a coffee table. On the deck there were lounge chairs and a small garden where people could grow flowers or vegetables. The was also a bar and coffee station, which had obviously been closed up hours before.

The two men pushed two of the couches together, and as John piled on the blankets and pillows Alexander lit the fire and switched on the heaters. They climbed into the makeshift bed Alexander played with Johns curly hair as they laid there talking. Suddenly John pulled Alexandr close to him and kissed him passionately. After a while of making out, John pulled away gazing into Alexander's sparkling hazel eyes. Alexander was tracing constellations into John's abundance of freckles.

That night they fell asleep to the peaceful sound of cars humming in the street mixed with each others warm breaths.

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