Part 11-Tuesday

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John had walked the street's almost all night, eventually he found himself standing out side the Schuyler sister's apartment door.  He was very hesitant to knock, Alexander probably told them every thing he thought, Angelica would defiantly kick his ass.  before he could turn away the door flew open and Peggy was standing in the door way.  She stood there startled to see him, John started sobbing, Peggy turned back into the rook,

"Ang..." She shouted out.  Angelica came running to the door, her face when she saw John was a mixture between angry, relived and sad.

"Fuck... John is two thirty in the morning get in!" she said in a tone that matched her expression.  John walked in after the two girls collapsing on the couch, falling asleep almost instantaneously.

When John came too a few hours Lafayette was standing over him and the girls were murmuring in the background. 

"ready to do some explaining?" He said in a thick french accent.  John sat up holding his head and nodding.  The sisters sat down on either side of him, Peggy tenderly holding his hand and Lafayette leaning on the coffee table.  John took a deep breath and then began his story,

"Okay so you remember when Alexander wound up in the hospital from confronting my father?"  Every one nodded "So after i stormed out i went back to try and get him to leave us alone.  I tried everything, finally he agreed to go home if i went too conversion therapy. " he didn't give them time to react before he continued. "So I told Alex that i picked up extra shifts, but really I've been going to therapy.  Finally yesterday morning my therapist found out I was still with Alexander, My Father...Henry threatened to come back and hurt Alex if I d-didn't l-l-leave him." He say's completely defeated.

Angelica wrapped her her arm's around John, Peggy and Laff soon following.  They sat there in silence for a while ,

"You can not under any circumstances tell Alexander any of this. Not soon probably not ever.  If he ever find's out were both dead...Don't take that lightly." John says breaking the silence.  They all nod. 


On the other side of town Alexander and Eliza were seated at Alex's coffee table eating egg's and talking about about James.  Alexander checks the time and excuses himself from the table too get dressed,  Eliza's phone started buzzing, it was Angelica.

"Hey Ang wah-" Eliza started

"Is Alex there?" Angelia cut her off.

"No, he's getting dressed, why?" Eliza replied

"Good, Johns here, and he spilled."

"Oh... Angelica what did he say?"

"I cant tell you over the phone, come home." Angelica suddenly hung up.

Alexander walked out,

"Hey, I'm headed to work, you can stay here if you want." he said, Eliza nodded

"I think I'll head out, I need to check in with Angelica and Peggy." Eliza answered. Alexander nodded and headed to work.

On his way down the stairs he saw Maria and said,
"Hey after work tomorrow you want to get a drink?" She nodded with a giant grin across her face.
The car ride to work seemed different, usually Alexander thought of everything that he and John would do that night,if they were going or staying in. But now he was just worried and distracted by the thought of where John went the previous night, and what caused him do make such a drastic decision. Luckily when he got to work Washington had plenty off thing's to keep Alexanders mind occupied, of course this was after he had a complete breakdown to Washington.

When Alexander Wes making copies of some document Aaron walked up besides him.

"Hey Alex, how's it going?" He asked making casual small talk. Alexander scoffed,

"Just great..." Aaron usually hated dealing with Alexanders drama, or anyone's drama for that matter. But Alexander had been there for him when no one els had.

"I know your not peachy keen" he said, trying not to sound completely sarcastic. "And I know you probably don't want help but-" he was cut off by Alexander falling into his arms sobbing.

"Wow, its only the first date, don't you think we're moving to fast" he said, now being fully sarcastic. Alexander pulled back sniffing,
"Yeah, I'm sorry I'm just having troubles with John, not that you'd know though." Aaron shrugged smugly.

"I think I'm gonna head home, can you tell Washington I'll work over time later?" He asked, Aaron nodded and Alexander headed back to his desk to collect his things.

Alexander was about to turn on the intersection that led to his apartment complex, but in a split second decision he did a U turn and took the freeway too the Schuyler's house. He sat in the parking lot for a few minutes collecting himself before shutting off the engine and heading in.

He had a spare key, but the door was unlocked anyway's so it wasn't a problem. When he opens the door the first thing he saw was a calm, peaceful looking John sitting at the table sipping tea and reading a magazine. John looked up right as Alexander did, they made eye contact and John started to scoot back his chair. Alexander didn't want to deal with this, John looked almost happy all alone, so he threw John's keys at him, yelled

"Aww hell naw!" Did a 180° and slammed the door.

Alexander angrily drove home, once there he left a few, colorful voice messages for Eliza and then started typing. That night he slept in his bed for the first time in more than a week.

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