Part two-Jhons side

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John nearly burn the eggs, the waffles were practically a liquid, the bacon was black and and some how the orange justice was just...wrong.  But Alexander still ate it, all of it.  Boy he really did love John to be eating that shitstorm of a breakfast.  The two men talked over brunch like the old friends they were, Alexander talked about his new job in a law office under a Mr.Gorge Washington.  And John talked about how boring his new temp job was at the paper sales office downtown. 

"Hey Laff and Angelica invited us out to dinner and maybe a bar tonight, feel up for it?" John asks in a polite manner.  Alexander really doesn't want to deal with those two but also want to make John happy so he agrees.
Later that night Alexander and John emerge from their separate bedrooms wearing dinner casual cloths.  They walk to the door, down the hall, the stars and then out into the cold crisp New York night.  Alexander checked his watch, It was only 7:32, but in New York in October the sun had almost all the way set.  They hailed a taxi and told the driver where they were going.  They took cabs, trains and busses together all the time, but to night it was awkward.  Their fingers kept bumping and their feet keep bouncing off each other.  what would have been a normal silence, was now intimate and cautious.  When they pulled up I front of the small Italian restaurant, Alexander hopped out and headed for the door not looking back.  John carful slid to the door facing the side walk to pay the driver,

"Man you got yourself a good lookin' boy I don't know where you are in your relationship, or what you are planning for tonight, but I do know you could cut that tension with a knife... he's a keeper" The can driver said to John in a thick Brooklyn accent.  John blushed at the cad bribes speech, handed him the money and slid out. His words played through Johns head as he walked to the front of the building, He guesses he didn't notice how awkward that drive had been. 

John sees Alex, Angelic and Lafayette seated at a small table toward the back, Alexander waves him over.  John walks over to the table and Alex pulls a chair out next to him for John, John sits down and scoots into the table.  Alex looks over at John and gives him a signature grin, Alex then places his hand lightly in top of Johns. 

Angelica try's so hard to hold back a squeal as she sees what is happening right before her eyes.  Her two best friends slowly finding out the fact that they were soulmates.  Of course she intentionally put John in that chat along with Laff to conveniently give the relationship a little push, she also had Peggy, a tech genius crash Alexanders phone and delete the message group.

As the night progressed the friends conversations started to dull,
"I'm going to go to the bathroom!" Alexander proclaims, with that he hurriedly walks to the the bathroom with long strides. Once he's around the corner Angelica and Laff stare at John like two school girls waiting to hear the latest gossip.

"I don't know guys, I really don't think he has feelings for me, he's been really awkward could have been a delusional drunk confession or miss remembering on Laffs part!" John almost shouts out.  With that the Frenchman scoffs

"Non. I have a perfect memory, always, no matter my blood alcohol level!" Laff refutes.  Angelica nods, giving multiple example of this.

When Alexander sits back down, and the check is paid, both Lafayette and Angelica excuse themselves to head home.  John gives the duo a flair when the wink back at him. 

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