Chapter 35

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Hey guys I'm so so so sorry that this book hasn't been updated in forever:( This isn't Kaayah, it's actually her friend Kayla, I actually was the one who made this page first but I didn't have story ideas so I gave it to Kaayah because I love her writing.  We've been friend since second grade, and then she moved away but we still kept in touch, and then she moved back again.  School is really hectic for her (We go to different schools), and her family is in the limbo of wither their moving to China or not.  I'm not a shitty writer, I promise, and i know what she wanted to do with this story so I'm going to wrap it up.  I love Hamilton and all the same things she does, she apologizes---Kayla      


It was 12:36 new years eve, Eliza and James had just broken the news to Alexander and John that they were keeping the baby.  John was understanding but still really sad.  He had wanted so bad to start a family with his amazing husband, but so did Eliza and it was hers.  Alexander on the other hand was fuming.  He was sobbing when John walked into Laff and Hurc's room to check on him.

"John I'm so sorry" Alexander sniffled. John sat down and rubbed Alexanders back therapeutically.

"It's not your fault Lex" John cooed, trying to calm him.

"I-I just feel like I've failed you" Alexander cried, John frowned and pulled himself closer to Alexander.

"In no way at all have you ever failed me, you've faught away all y demons with you head held high," John said comfortingly, "now it my turn, we'll find a baby that do'sent have parent who will love it unconditionally like Eliza and James" John paused, "and we'll adopt it and be the best parents ever!" Alexander cracked a smile.  John pulled Alexander into his arms and held him.


It was two weeks later and John had some how managed to secure a meeting with an adoption agency on such short notice.  Alexander was fixing Johns tie and trying to tame his hair when there was a knock at the door.  John scrambled out of Alexanders grasp and answered it.

"Mr. Hamilton?" a short woman asked.  John nodded his head,

"Hamilton-Laurens, but yeah"John said correcting her, the lady marked a note and then walked in past him.  Alexander grinned at her as she walked into the living room area.  The lady looked around making note and looking under and over things.  She interviewed both of then and  asked for pictures of their life.  She continued to make note and when it came time fore her to leave she thanked them and gave John a business card.

The second the door closed behind her, Alexander pulled John into his arms and kissed him, they danced around in celebration and then went out to dinner.


On the other side of town, Angelica was walking home from dinner with Peggy and Maria.  Half way home she decided to stop by her favorite coffee shop, she ordered and then looked around for a seat.  It was busy for mid dinner time and as her eyes skimmed over the table and booths they fell apon a familiar face. Thomas Jefferson.  They hadn't talked since Thanksgiving when she ran away from his kiss, and really did'nt feel like doing it now.  But her socialite nature took over and she walked strait past him to capture his attention. She slid into a booth in the back and waited. Soon, as she predicted, Thomas slid into the seat across from her.

"Ang-" He started.

"please , Thomas, I dont want to talk about it, can we just be friends?" She said cutting him off.

"Angelica..." there was a devastated undertone in Thomas's voice.

"Yes?"She asked, she was trying to come off ans snarkie and above him.

"Angelica, I'm sorry too I dont think I can be just friends with you." When Tomas looked up angelica face was ghostly.

"I'm sorry." Thomas paused about to gt up but started again, "I'm so sorry Angelica I love you, I'm so sorry for what I did to you and seeing your face and your forgiveness is the only thing that keeps me from from breaking my sobriety and overdosing or stringing myself in my closet." He paused again.

"Angelica I have loved you since I laid eyes on you and hate myself since I laid a hand on you, I cant be just you friend because it kills me to know that you could be in the arms of another guy when I could have had you." Thomas had to take deep breaths to not let any anger show through.

Angelica was shell shocked, she stood up without a word and left without her coffee.  Thomas stared at his and trying not to cry as she left, he hated him self even more now.

Angelica did not regret leaving him there, hit hit her before and she knew he would do it again, some people cant change. She still had scars from where his fits broke her skin and bones, she had chronic head aches from the multiple concussions, she still ached from where the eating disorder he caused her ravaged her body.

She made a promise to her self a long time ago that he would never be forgiven. She never broke a promise.

Don't kill me for this, Kaayah wanted this to happen, I just made it ten times sadder.  Also dont kill us for not updating because I'm soooooooo sorry--Kayla

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