Part 20- what acctully happend

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It had been two and a half weeks since John and Alexander had gotten back together. Alexander picked John up every day after work and they talked about their day over dinner.  John was so happy with his new job, he loved all his students and tried to make every day fun for them.  The only thing getting him down was the weight of the ring that sat in is pocket every day getting heavier and heavier.

That night after dinner Alexander paused the show they were watching and pulled himself out of John's arms.  John was puzzled at what was happening.

"So things have been good for a while now, and I need to tell you something." Alexander said

"Yeah, anything baby girl" John replied, he had absolutely no idea what was going on.

"Okay but just think before you reply... So you know how your father was arrested?" Alexander started

"Yeah, what is it?" John said raising an eyebrow

"So the drugs in his car weren't his.  I kinda guilted Thomas Jefferson into planting them there to get him out of your life."  Alexander held his breath waiting to see what John would say.  John had so many thoughts running through his head, he was mad, but happy, but sad.  He was so confused he just went with the most vile thing that popped into his head.

"What!" He had horrified "what if it didn't work, you could have been killed.  What if Thomas comes back to look for repayment, or blackmails you...or even worse confesses." John stood up and paced around.  Alexander tried to grab him m but John slipped away.

"Don't try to make this better please.  I'm just need to think." John said walking towards the door.

"John wait!  I just couldn't stand another day without you!" Alexander yells after him.  Those words felt like they stabbed John in the heart.  He grabbed his jacket and walked out.  That night he stayed with Angelica Schuyler.


The next day John felt so empty when he took a taxi to work alone.  He then felt embarrassed when he realized he had the same cloths as the day before.  Luckily another teacher gave his a spare tie and a flannel. 

Usually John was one of the happiest teachers, he made games out of his lessons and wrote skits for students to perform.  Most of his student loved him and his class and to Joh that made work a hundred times better.

That day during John's prep period there was a slight knock at the door.  One of his students, Gorge Eaker  walked through and set his lunch on the desk next to John's.

"Um, Mr.Laurens, you are usually really happy but I noticed that in second period you seemed sad." The student paused. "Like you didn't even write one of your cheesy history jokes on the board, and last class you said we were going to do skits."  John looked up at the boy, trying not to cry in front of him.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm just having trouble at home." John said as comely as he could. 

"Like with your boyfriend?" Gorge asked pointing to the picture on his desk.  John was startled by that question, he never really mentioned Alex to his students, he thought they might this he was weird.

"Oh it's okay Mr.L, I actually have a boyfriend too." Gorge said noticing John's discomfort.  John gave Gorge a grin.

"Oh, and why aren't you sitting with him or your friends?" John asked playfully.

"Because my friends decided to skip..." Gorge paused noticing he had accidentally snitched. "But don't tell." John laughed and nodded.

"And I'm fighting with him, he lied to me about this really stupid thing, like I shouldn't really be mad, but it's just that he lied." Gorge finished.  John was surprised at how common their situations were.

"Are you going to apologize?" John asked him. 

"Yeah, I'll text him tonight." Gorge said.  Suddenly one of the teaches John had gotten the short from walked in and without noticing the student said

"John, I found this in you jacket that you gave me, I think you might want it." When the teacher saw the student all three of their faces turned bright red.  He apologized and that hurried out.

"Wow Mr.L, are you gonna ask this guy to marry you?" Gorge asked "I mean if that's not to personal to ask."

"Oh no, it's okay, and I've had this for a week now, but I just can't find the right time, and then we got into a fight last night..." Gorge cut him off

"Not to be out of line but do you like, love this guy?" He asked.

"Oh yes." John replied

"Good because if you didn't you wouldn't be this torn up over one small fight.  Also you really should give that too him." Gorge said motioning towards the box.  John smiles and Gorge gets up and leaves.

John knew what he had to do.

Sorry if this is sloppy.  But hey thanks for freaking 125 reads!  Like that's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!---KAAY

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